Kiwi Bride Series: Highland Kiss
Even though this man kidnapped her and imprisoned her, in God knows where , for no apparent reason, she still felt bad
that she made him angry.
    She bowed her head and
said, “I’m sorry.” Taking the shirt, she turned on her heels and
slowly made her way back.
    Sorry for what? Alec
shouted internally. For
letting him see her damn hot body and making him fantasize about
what he wanted to do to her?
    He couldn’t possibly stay
there until she came back out, could he? He knew she would be
wearing nothing underneath that shirt; not even her panties because
they would be wet after her dip in the stream.
    He left the
    Ruby came out a few
minutes later with his new shirt on and found him gone. She went to
try the door. It was locked. Oh well, what was she hoping
    * * *

    Ruby couldn’t sleep that
night. The wind howled outside her window like an angry she-wolf
after her cubs were killed before her own eyes. The rain kept
slashing and banging against the windows. She was scared, and
couldn’t sleep a wink. She was also very cold, for the only
clothing she had on was her captor’s shirt, and the single layered
duvet didn’t help much either.
    Shivering and hugging
herself, she felt like a drowned kitten all night. It was near
morning when the storm finally stopped and she got a bit warmer
that she was able to sleep.
    At about eight o’clock, Alec, himself, brought in the
breakfast tray. He seemed unaffected by the nasty storm, and didn’t
even glance her way as she wearily got out of bed.
    “ Your breakfast,” was all
he said before he left.
    He was probably still
angry with her. She supposed he was being nice to her since her
arrival. He hadn’t poisoned her yet, or hit her either, which she
thought that most kidnappers would have done by now.
    Why, oh why did he kidnap her and imprison her here? He said he would give her back her
belongings and let her go when the time comes. But when would that be?
    She dragged herself to the
table near the window, sat down on the comfy antique chair, and
picked up the toast. The sun’s warm rays that morning after the
horrible storm felt very nice indeed. She moved closer to the
window so she could get as much sun as possible. Then she started
to enjoy her breakfast.
    Twenty minutes later, she
heard the door being unlocked and Mrs. McKenzie came in. Ruby
turned to see Mrs. McKenzie holding some books in her arms. At her
heels was a dog.
    Ruby cried out in delight,
her exhaustion from the sleepless night instantly forgotten. She
had never owned a dog before, and certainly didn’t know much about
them. This one looked so cute with white fur, sharp, pointy ears,
and coal-black eyes. The dog was also wearing a tartan bandana
around his neck.
    She rushed to the dog and
stroked his head lovingly. “Hello, boy, what’s your
    “’ Is name is Westies,
lassie,” Mrs. McKenzie said as she walked around to the bedside
table and put the books there.
    “ Westies. Hello, Westies,”
Ruby said.
    “ Some books fer
    Ruby glanced at Mrs.
McKenzie in surprise. “Why thank you, Mrs. McKenzie. Thank you so
much. Now I won’t get bored.”
    “ Aye, lassie; now ya
finished wif ya breakfast?”
    “ Yes, thank you, Mrs.
McKenzie, that was very nice."
    Mrs. McKenzie smiled with
glee at the polite gratitude Ruby bestowed upon her. None of those
high society women Master Alec brought home before ever bothered to
thank her for any meal. She glided over to pick up the tray,
nodding at Ruby as though the girl were royalty who readily
appreciated a lovely meal, and strolled to the door. She turned and
looked sharply at the dog. “Come on, boy, out wif ya.”
    Westies looked at Mrs.
McKenzie with his glistening black eyes. Then he turned, barked,
jumped, and ran around the room and Ruby with his little, short
    Ruby laughed. She picked
up the wound-up devil and asked, “Can he stay with me? Please, I’m
very bored.”
    Mrs. McKenzie sighed.

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