Drawn to you

Free Drawn to you by Ker Dukey

Book: Drawn to you by Ker Dukey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ker Dukey
so he doesn’t see my reaction.
    “I’m just going for some air,” I say, and almost run from the club.
    It feels like I’m suffocating as I try to push my way out, and when the air finally hits me, tears fall down my face. The drinks I’d guzzled repeat on me, rushing out of my body. Retching into the gutter on the sidewalk. Nice.
    I can’t control the emotions crippling my mind and body. This is what you get for opening up and sharing yourself with someone.
    The thought of Finlay touching someone else is unbearable. I need to go home, rip up his sketches, and cry into my pillow. Pathetic.
    “Hey, are you okay?” Brad calls out from behind me, grabbing my arm and trying to help me stand straight.
    “Yeah. I’m sorry. I must have drunk too much I guess.” I shrug, wiping my hand across my mouth. Classy.
    “Okay, well let’s get you home.”
    He grabs a cab and ushers me inside then begins climbing in after me.
    I place my hand on his chest to stop him. “Please stay. Make sure Gaby gets home safe.”
    “Gabe will do that. I want to make sure you get home.”
    He smiles and I get that he’s trying to be sweet but my insides are in pieces and I just don’t feel the same way about him as he does about me. Finlay was right. It’s leading him on. I need to be truthful and put an end to this.
    “I really like you, Brad, but I just feel like friendship is all I want right now.”
    Okay, so half truthful.
    Disappointment reflects in his eyes as he whispers,
    “Oh. Right. Well, as a friend I would still make sure you get home safe, Antonia.” He gives the driver my address then slips in next to me.
    We sit in silence. Dread fills me the closer we get to the apartment. I send up a silent prayer that Finlay couldn’t be that much of a dick to bring Julie here to his bed where the scent of us still lingers.
    Brad insists on walking me right into the apartment. I thank him as politely as I can manage with my world spinning, hoping he’ll take the hint, but once he hears voices from inside, he walks straight in and through to the living space.
    I don’t want to follow him but morbid curiosity overrules me.

    In the kitchen Finlay is pouring a glass of wine and there’s a dark-haired attractive woman sitting on the couch. My heart pounds inside my chest.
    “Hey, Julie, what’s up?” Brad asks slouching next to her.
    “Not much, just catching up with Fin. It’s been a while.” She smiles up at Finlay like they share secrets .
    She’s slightly taller than me, maybe five seven, she hold a little more weight on her frame and she’s all kinds of pretty.
    I hate her.
    “Hey, I’m Antonia.” I offer my hand even though I want to wrap both around her neck to throttle her. I hope she doesn’t hear the slight edge in my tone, but she offers a polite handshake in return.
    “I’m Julie. Nice to meet you.”
    “So where’s everyone else?” Finlay asks, looking between Brad and me.
    “Oh, we left them so I could bring Antonia back.”
    “I wasn’t feeling well,” I interject so as not to give the impression I came back “with” Brad. He might be able to sleep around but I would never do that.
    Memories rush back to me of the amazing morning that changed me forever and that’s when I realize Finlay didn’t use protection with me earlier.
    Crap. You stupid, stupid girl. If he would sleep with two girls on the same day unprotected, I’m going to have to get tested. I’m on the pill so pregnancy isn’t my worry. I’ve been on the pill since turning eighteen, hoping James would take the hint.
    “You’re looking pale again, A. You okay?”
    I pull myself out of my fear of having to get checked at the clinic. Finlay watches me intently.
    “Yeah, I’m just going to get some water and change my clothes.”
    I head to Finlay’s room, where most of my clothes still are. His “catching up” with Julie will have to wait. I head straight to his bathroom to brush my teeth, fresh tears staining my cheeks.

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