Broken (Breaking the Rules)

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Book: Broken (Breaking the Rules) by K Webster Read Free Book Online
Authors: K Webster
It’s probably one of the most critical aspects of our job that they certainly don’t teach you in school.” He paused to wait for any input that I might have.
    “Okay. That sounds like something I can handle, Mr. Compton,” I assured him confidently even though I was nervous from Margie’s warning about his brother.
    “Please, Miss Dalton, call me Jordan. We’re informal here. My dad was Mr. Compton. You’ll make me feel old if you keep calling me that,” he winked at me. “Anyway, we set up a desk between our two offices out front. I’ll have Margie show you how to work your phone. We already gave you access to both my and my brother’s calendars and emails so that you can help us manage our appointments. In an hour, I’ll be out for a meeting but I’m sure you’ll figure things out easily enough. Oh, and tomorrow, a junior architect will be joining the firm. Since I’ve been pulled into more of the handling of the company, we’ve needed some more help in that area. He won’t have much activity in the beginning so I want you to assist him as well. Once he gets a lot busier, we’ll get him his own assistant. And remember, you do this job well, there could be a junior architect position waiting for you as well. We like to promote from within whenever possible. That’s what happened to my last assistant.” He stopped talking and looked behind me.
    “Miranda Dalton, please meet my brother and co-owner of the firm, Jackson Compton,” he introduced, gesturing to the door. My body tensed up at the name and I whipped around to see the face of my weekend Jackson . Shit!
    When his eyes met mine, we both mirrored shocked looks. He walked over to my chair and extended his hand. His shocked look fell and was replaced by a glare. I shakily took his hand and shook it, squirming under his fierce look. “Please, call me Andi,” I said breathlessly. I was in some serious trouble.
    “Excuse me, I have work to do,” he scowled, turning on his heel and stalking out.
    “I’m sorry I didn’t warn you,” Jordan apologized. Turning back to him, I frowned. “He’s a bit of an ass. He’ll be your biggest challenge working here. He’s my brother and I love him, but he can be a bear.” He shook his head. I just nodded my own nervously. This seriously sucked. Pepper was going to freak when I told her my luck.
    Jordan stood so I did as well. He came around the desk and placed his hand on the small of my back, guiding me out to my desk. With his hand still on my back, I glanced up at Jackson’s office. He was glaring at me from his desk, momentarily glancing at Jordan’s hand on my back. Quickly standing from his desk, he stalked over to his door and slammed it shut. My first day and I was already wanting to quit. What have I done?
    My life is flashing by in pictures like slides on my phone. A picture of me and Brayden kissing at a game. Pepper and me getting a pedicure for my birthday. Me smiling as a kid with a frowning family in the background. A skinny me accepting my diploma. Brayden down on one knee in Central Park. Me and Jeanie at the café. Me, Connie, and Brayden at Christmas one year.
    Am I in a car? I can feel bouncing, which is adding to my nausea. Blinking my eyes open breifly, I can see that I’m in an ambulance. An EMT is fussing over me. What grabs my attention is Bray hovering over me, tears running down his face. His two hands have one of mine and he is kissing it over and over. He keeps begging me to “hold on.” Hold on to what?
    His shirt is covered in vomit. Is he sick? I try to squeeze his hand to comfort him. When I do, just barely, his red eyes dart to mine. Taking one hand away to stroke my hair, he brings his face close to mine.
    “Please, Andi. Don’t die on me. I love you. I need you. The way I’ve hurt you sickens me. You have to believe me that I promise I’ll never do it again. Please, just stay alive for me,” he cries. I’m so confused. Why would

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