Caressed by Shadows (Rulers of Darkness Book 4)

Free Caressed by Shadows (Rulers of Darkness Book 4) by Amanda J. Greene

Book: Caressed by Shadows (Rulers of Darkness Book 4) by Amanda J. Greene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda J. Greene
clouded her mind. Instantly bloodlust entwined with her desire.
    Her eyes fell on Falcon ’s pulse.
    Oh, yes. She was hungry. For him and his blood.

    Chapter Six
    Falcon deposited her in the private room as he went to retrieve the bleeder.
    She had hoped he would’ve changed his mind and offered her his blood, as he had offered the night before.
    Only, this time from the vein and not a glass , she thought, running the tip of her tongue over her fangs.
    Still anticipation robbed her of breath. It had been so long since she’d fed directly from a human. She had been secretly thrilled with the advent of bagged blood, having never cared for the feeding act. But tonight was different and she was…excited.
    Falcon had brought her up to the private room he had reserved.
    Would Falcon leave while she fed?
    She wanted him to stay. To watch. She wanted to gaze into his swirling silver eyes as she sank her fangs into her prey. The deliciously wicked thought caused a wave of heat to rush through her.
    The footsteps paused just before the door. She could hear the muffled voice of Falcon and a woman.
    Sonya’s throat went dry, her fangs extending. Hunger gathered like a crimson haze in her mind, blurring her vision. It had been so long, too long since she had fed. Her body was weak, unable to heal, and the vampire within her lurked dangerously close to the surface, waiting for a chance to strike, to take over her so it could gorge itself on human blood.
    If Falcon did not want to watch her feed, she prayed he would stay if only to keep her from killing the mortal woman.
    The doorknob twisted and the bleeder stepped in. Sonya’s predatory instincts flared. Sonya barely resisted the urge to launch herself at her prey.
    The woman was short and nearly too slender. She wore a black leather tube top and matching mini skirt, with knee high boots. She had short, bleached blonde hair, dull brown eyes, and a nose ring.
    A low growl vibrated Sonya’s throat. The woman stumbled in surprise when her gaze fell on Sonya. She quickly regained her composure and turned towards Falcon, who stood just inside the doorway.
    “Ménage à trois or is she going to watch?” She shrugged her pokey, bare shoulders. “I’m good with either, but it will cost extra.”
    “No, dear,” Falcon said, his voice low and rough. Sensual. “I brought you up here for her.”
    The blonde’s thick lips curled into a smile. “Good. I’ve always preferred women.” She sashayed across the room. “What will it be?” she asked. “Just a quick bite or,” she ran her tongue over her stained red lips, “more?”
    Sonya did not answer, her ravenous gaze focused on the woman’s pulse. It thrummed enticingly under her pale, smooth skin.
    Falcon turned to l eave, his fingers wrapped around the knob.
    “Don’t leave,” Sonya called. Her words were hard, her voice deep and not her own. She fully expected to sense fear from the human. The demonic sound generally terrified humans, but this girl, she was a pro. The coarseness of Sonya’s voice excited her.
    “I thought you would prefer privacy,” he said.
    Sonya switched to an old form of French, which she knew was Falcon’s native tongue. “Please. I don’t want to…harm the girl.”
    “I will be just outside the door,” he responded, matching the language.
    “What if I lose control? What if I take too much?”
    Her gaze remaining on the bleeder, she shook her head. Sonya could sense Falcon’s hesitation and doubt. But there was something else. Curiosity? Simple interest? Or was it something more, something like…desire?
    “I really think—”
    “Stay,” she growled in English, her lips peeling back over her fangs.
    “Yes,” the woman added. “I won’t even charge for you to watch.”
    Sonya heard Falcon’s hard swallow and felt the surge of lust that rocked his massive frame. With a whispered curse, he closed the door, hesitated a moment, then crossed the room and

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