Impossibly True (Impossibly Duology)

Free Impossibly True (Impossibly Duology) by Shane Morgan

Book: Impossibly True (Impossibly Duology) by Shane Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shane Morgan
“I’ll stop. I promise. Though, that won’t happen because I’m healed, babe.”
She gave me another hug before heading off to her next exam.
Walking back to my car in the campus parking lot, I felt relieved, happy. It’d
been a while since I had someone in my corner, and with Moya at my side I knew
I could take on anything.
I decided to stop at the pizza shop in downtown Harrington before driving home.
It was right across the street from the club where I first danced with Moya. We
hadn’t been there since that night.
The second I entered the pizza shop I spotted Warren at the counter. I walked
over to him.
“Hey man. How’s it going?”
He got off the stool and gave me a quick hug and handshake. “Hey, Bran, I’m
okay. You?”
Warren peered over at the entrance when I sat down on the stool next to his, as
if he was waiting for someone.
“Oh, sorry, are you meeting someone here?” I asked, easing up.
“No it’s cool, man. She’s probably not coming anyway.”
I sat down again and ordered a slice of pepperoni and soda to go. Looking at
Warren, I noticed he was distressed about something. His shoulders sagged as
his eyes burned into the coffee cup. This was a different side to the always
energetic guy I once roomed with.
I had to ask, “Is everything all right?”
Folding his hands on top of the counter, he heaved a sigh before answering,
“Yeah. It’s just this girl I like. She told me yesterday that she wasn’t sure
she could continue seeing me.” He sounded as low as he appeared, with his voice
near hoarse.
“I’m sorry, dude.”
“I asked her why, ‘ cause we’ve been hanging out for a
while now and things seemed to be good between us. She said it was too
complicated, and that it was better this way. So I told her to meet me here
today, to talk about it.” He looked over at the entrance again. “But she hasn’t
showed up yet. Then again, she said she might not come.”
I had no idea what to say to him. I was the last person to give advice on
relationships. “Maybe she will,” didn’t sound too bad.
Warren perked up at my words. He drank some coffee then muttered, “Yeah…but…”
his frown returned.
       “But what?” I asked, picking at my menu.
“I don’t know, maybe she’s going back to her ex. I hope not. She seems so much
happier when we’re together.”
Just as the waitress brought over my order, I heard him blow out a breath of
relief and say, “Here she is. You were right, man.”
I turned to see the girl who had the former player fretting so much. When I
did, my eyes narrowed in confusion.
“Vanessa…” her name came out in a whisper as I remembered hearing she already
had a boyfriend, some guy named Calvin.
Seeing me, she slowed her steps. “Branden? What are
you doing here?”
“Wait, how do you two know each other?” asked Warren, sounding a little
I replied, “She’s a friend of my girlfriend.”
“Yeah,” Vanessa chimed. “Warren, I didn’t know you knew Branden.”
“We were roommates at the start of the semester; before he got…I guess you
probably know about that too.” Warren moved closer to her, towing her into his
arms. “So, what’s this about you wanting to end our relationship?”
I cleared my throat, grabbed the bag with my pizza, and snatched up my soda.
“I’m going to take off.”
Warren nodded at me. “All right, man. I’ll see you soon.”
“See you, Vanessa.”
“Bye,” she murmured, barely meeting my gaze. If she’d broken up with Calvin,
why was she acting weird that I found out she and Warren were seeing each other
now? It wasn’t a big deal.


       I was still finding it hard to get over Branden playing hockey again,

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