Heavy: A Contemporary Romance

Free Heavy: A Contemporary Romance by J. C. Mells

Book: Heavy: A Contemporary Romance by J. C. Mells Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. C. Mells
now familiar video. I’d told myself I wasn’t going to watch it anymore, but who was I kidding? Two minutes with my step-monster and I needed to watch the video again. It was what had got me through the last month. I fast-forwarded to my favorite part, and then pushed play.
    Commentator One: Up next, we have twenty-two-year-old Thatch Reston, a walk-on and first-timer. At six feet and one hundred and seventy-three pounds, Thatch is a tattoo artist in Las Vegas, Nevada. His claim to fame is he’s the kid who did that tattoo for Max Rivers, the lead singer of Limber, that got all the media attention a few months ago. Thatch says he’s dedicating this run to his five-year-old son, Thaddeus, who’s a huge fan of this show.
    Commentator Two: Becoming a father at such a young age is certainly no easy feat, but it sounds like he’s doing a great job at it. I’m eager to see how he does on the course.
    Commentator One: And, there’s the starting buzzer now. Thatch making his way across the Tilted Steps easily.
    Commentator Two: Yes, he looks very comfortable out there so far. He ran track in high school and has been rock-climbing for about three years now. We often see rock-climbers do very well on this course.
    Commentator One: He’s also been training at one of the newer Ninja Athlete training facilities in Vegas, geared specifically to prepare you for these obstacles.
    Commentator Two: Of course, there are two new obstacles tonight that no one here, even the veterans, was able to prepare for. But, look at Thatch tackle the Revolving Wheel! This new obstacle has been the death of many a run tonight – and he’s locked onto that thing like he does it every day before breakfast!
    Commentator One: Notice how he took the time to really position his feet in order to make sure he’s secure before he started the roll. Next, it’s the Slack Ladder – another new obstacle. Oh, and he almost slipped up on that last wrung! Great save by Thatch Reston!
    Commentator Two: Yes, he was flirting with disaster there, but what a recovery! This rookie is certainly making good time as he makes his way through this course.
    Commentator One: Now, he’s making his run for the Hanging Bars onto Cargo Net. And… will you look at that leap!
    Commentator Two: Did you see his hand slip? I thought it was all over for Thatch, but he managed to hang on! Tremendous run so far for the rookie! This next obstacle will be the true test of his endurance though….
    Commentator One: Yes, not many competitors have managed to make it past the Hanging Pegs tonight. This is where his rock-climbing skills will come in handy for sure. Look at the way he’s maintaining his “L’s” with his arms – so key to keeping control as you make it up and across this obstacle.
    Commentator Two: The trick is to get up the first part quickly. You need all your stamina to survive the Hanging Pegs. Technique is important here, but it’s your endurance that’s key.And he’s done it! One of only three people so far to complete five out of six obstacles.
    Commentator One: The crowd one-hundred-percent behind him now. Listen to them cheer him on! Where did this guy come from? He’s certainly showing a thing or two to some of our seasoned veterans tonight!
    Commentator Two: He still has to make it up over the Wall. Here comes his first attempt. Oh! So close! I saw his fingers graze the top, but no money. Remember, he has three attempts.
    Commentator One: And here he goes for try number two…and he’s done it! There’s a new kid on the block and his name is Thatch Reston!
    Commentator Two: Thatch Reston hits the buzzer and punches his ticket to the Dallas Regional Finals. One of the strongest performances we’ve seen here tonight – and let’s not forget he’s a walk-on rookie!
    Next came my absolutely favorite part of the entire clip.
    Following Ultimate Ninja Athlete tradition, after hitting the buzzer, Thatch pulled his shirt over his head and raised his arms up

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