Clouded Innocence

Free Clouded Innocence by D. Gambel

Book: Clouded Innocence by D. Gambel Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. Gambel
face he forced my eyes on him.  
    “I do not regret kissing you. Do not even think that for a moment,” he said with understanding. “Do you regret it?” He dropped his hands to my shoulder like he suddenly realized my regret was a possibility. I think I saw a flash of fear take over his face but was gone too quickly for me to be sure.  
    “No,” I said shaking my head. “That was an unbelievable first kiss. I cannot imagine they get any better.” He gave me a crooked smile.  
    “Good. Now to why I asked you down here,” he walked me over to the water. “Do you know how to skip rocks?” I shook my head. “Good then it is something I can show you,” he said picking up some small rocks from the ground.  
    He went over what type of rocks I needed, the round, flat, smooth type. Then he stood behind me to show me the correct way to turn my body in order to get the rock to hop.  
    His guidance was more distracting than helpful. His close proximity made my heart race. I looked up at him while he was giving directions and all I could think about was how wonderful his warm lips would feel pressed to mine again.  
    Jolted back to the here and now, Conner let me go so I could toss the rock. I did and it sunk. I tried a few more times but each time the rock sunk.  
    “Have a seat and watch me,” he said confidently.
    Staring at Conner openly was not something I would object to. I sat on a big rock close to the water and watched Conner pick up a few rocks before he threw the first one. It skipped three times before sinking.  Was there anything he could not do well?
    “There. See?” I nodded and watch him throw the next two.  
    Both made a few skips before sinking. Agitated that he made it look so easy when it obviously was not, I stuck my hand in the water and splashed him. Shock spread across his face as the water hit him. “Did you just splash me?” He demanded, wiping water off his face.  
    “Nope,” I responded doing my best not to smile and look as innocent as possible.
    “Yes, you...” I cut him off by splashing him again. The water made his white shirt cling to his body. It was almost transparent. I could see the hard ripple of his stomach through it. Oh, he had a wonderful body.
    “That is it.”  
    Throwing the rocks down, he made a dash towards me. I squealed, breaking away from my distraction of his body. I leapt from the boulder before he could grab me. He barely missed me. I pushed myself running as fast as I could but like the day of our horse race, Conner was faster.  
    “NO!” I screamed as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Conner was trying to press himself against me to wet my clothes with his. I wiggled trying to escape his grasp, both of us laughing so hard it was difficult to breathe.  
    In the process we tripped falling into the grass. I landed on my back with Conner on top of me. The tall grass swayed around us. We both laughed harder. He looked down at me, his pale eyes turning dark.  
    My laughing stopped at the hunger in his expression. I suddenly felt the urge to touch him. It did not matter where; I just need to have my skin touch his. I ran my hand lightly down his face. He closed his eyes to my touch, leaning his face against my palm. I shifted bringing my other hand up placing each on the side of his face. I held him between my hands before slowly drawing him to my lips.  
    The need to kiss him was more intense than the urge to touch him. It came on abruptly. My lips parted and his warm tongue slipped in brushing mine. My body shuddered in response. It felt unique and marvelous. I could feel my heart pounding hard in against my chest. With every beat it was coursing desire through my system. My body wanted more.
    Conner ran his hand up the side of my body, delighting my senses. I arched my body into his as a soft moan escaped my throat but it was silenced by Conner's mouth. His hand continued up my body to cup my face. I stopped kissing him, closed my eyes and

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