Total Abandon

Free Total Abandon by Opal Carew

Book: Total Abandon by Opal Carew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Opal Carew
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Contemporary, Adult
on.” She grinned. “But don’t worry, there’s a shower curtain you can pull around for privacy.”
    Too bad Sandra hadn’t asked yesterday instead of just assuming. Of course, if she had, she would have missed her sexy morning adventure on the beach. Which had led to her totally sensational adventure last night.
    “Okay, thanks.”
    Aimee walked to the door, then turned around again. “Does this have anything to do with the note your fantasy man sent you?”
    Sandra sniffed her rose again. “Umm. Maybe.”
    “Okay, then.” Aimee walked to the table and picked up her book. “Maybe I’ll stay out a little longer. I wouldn’t want to rush you.” She grinned. “The shower is just out the side there.” She pointed to the wall opposite the sliding door.
    Sandra watched Aimee stroll to the door and step out onto the deck.
    “See you later,” Aimee said, a little loudly, as she closed the door, then she disappeared down the steps.
    Sandra leaped to her feet and raced into her bedroom, then pulled off her pajamas and tossed them on the bed. She glanced toward the dresser, thinking about her royal blue satin robe, but she’d left it at home. All she had here was her serviceable, but definitely not sexy, mint green terry robe.
    She could put on her bikini and … what? Shower in her bathing suit like Aimee when she was a little kid? Or do a striptease by taking it off under the shower? Well, that could work, but knowing her, she’d fumble with the clasps and totally wreck the erotic mood.
    And the whole thought of showering—fully naked—in front of her Fantasy Stranger while he watched from a secret place was beyond simply erotic. Wild and tumultuous sensations surged through her body. Her breasts ached and her insides melted into a gooey mess, need thrumming through her. It was all she could do to stop herself from dropping to the bed and getting herself off right now.
    Who knew I’d be so turned on by the thought of showing off my body to a man?
    Then she thought about the list. Well, Aimee, for one. That woman had amazing instincts.
    Sandra grabbed her fuchsia floral beach towel and wrapped it around her naked body, then pushed her shoulders back and headed for the door. Seconds later, she stepped outside into the bright morning sunshine, greeted by the cheerful twitter of birds. Sandra walked down the wooden steps and headed to the opposite side of the cottage.
    As soon as she turned the second corner, she saw it. A section of the cottage wall was done in slate, with a cedar platform only a few inches above the grass extending outward, a cedar bench against the wall, and a rainwater showerhead above. An earth-tone shower curtain hung on a curved rod, forming an extended half circle.
    *   *   *
    Devlin heard the sliding door open and stood up, his presence obscured by the bushes. Aimee had told him Sandra usually got up around ten o’clock, so he’d arrived at nine-thirty and had been reading for about an hour. Aimee had left a few moments ago, so he’d put aside his book to await Sandra’s arrival.
    He watched as Sandra stepped around the corner of the cottage, the morning sun glistening on her long black hair. She wore only a bright-colored beach towel wrapped around her body. No straps over her shoulders. Was she wearing a strapless bathing suit beneath the towel or nothing at all? His heart rate quickened at the thought of her naked body covered only by the towel.
    Soon he would see her naked again. Last night had been incredible, making love to her for the first time. Seeing her naked body, touching her intimately. Hearing her moan with the pleasure he gave her. He had ached to tell her who he was, for her to know it was him making love to her. But that would have ruined everything. He needed to stay focused on the plan so he could ultimately win her heart. Not just be a short-term affair.
    *   *   *
    Sandra glanced around, wondering if her Fantasy Stranger was already nearby.

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