The Highlander's Servant: Book One of the Highlander Possession Series

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Book: The Highlander's Servant: Book One of the Highlander Possession Series by Savannah Vining Read Free Book Online
Authors: Savannah Vining
covers and matching rugs scattered about.
                  Most importantly, Kirstin smelled the faint scent that reminded her of Lachlan. Even though he was not present, she knew without a doubt that she was in his sleeping chambers.
                  She slid off the side of the bed, her feet feeling cool against the wooden floors. There was only one thing on her mind, and that was to leave Lachlan’s chambers before she ran into him.
                  The small blonde tiptoed to the cracked door. She cautiously opened it, knowing that the room was adjoining to Lachlan’s study. Unfortunately for Kirstin, her most feared person sat at the desk near the far wall. He was yet again writing away at papers, but he looked up when Kirstin had opened the door.
                  His eyes slowly raked over her body, making Kirstin cower back. She did not enjoy the way he looked at her, even though her body shivered in pleasure as if disagreeing with her thoughts.
                  “Come here,” he finally said, nodding to the chair across from him, “Sit.”
                  Kirstin hesitantly made her way to the chair. She could remember the last time she had sat in the same chair, and the way he had caressed her cheek lovingly. Only mere minutes after that happened, she had an epiphany of his love for her.
                  His eyes did not leave her shaking form when she sat across from him. The only thing separating Lachlan from Kirstin now, was his desk. He gazed intently at her before asking, “Do ye ken why yer here?”
                  Kirstin frowned, “Aye,” she said full of regret, “I fell asleep in the field.”
                  His gaze was heavy and Kirstin could not read his expression. She assumed that he was beyond furious with her, and immediately rushed, “I apologize for my foolish actions –“
                  “Foolish?” he interrupted her, leaning back into his chair and crossing his arms, “’Tis but an understatement.”
                  Kirstin’s frown deepened and her eyebrows furrowed, but nevertheless, she bowed her head in sorrowful respect.
                  “Yer no’ to leave the manor freely again unless I hear word of it.” He boomed once more, “Do ye understand me, Kirstin?”
                  She did not raise her head to look at him, “Aye.”
                  Lachlan must have stared at her for a long time, because Kirstin could feel his heavy eyes on her. When she finally mustered the courage to meet his gaze again, she saw the distressed look on his face.
                  “I ken ye might be upset with my rules, but ye must understand I do it for yer protection. There are ruthless men in the highlands, Kirstin. ‘Tis no place like yer home beyond the hills.”
                  She gave a curt nod but said nothing. She was clearly feeling regret and was upset not with Lachlan, but herself. The field was her safe haven; it was her place to relax away from her duties that tied her to the manor. She could still have the privilege of going to the field, if she had not fallen asleep in it.
                  Lachlan saw that Kirstin was internally battling with herself, and interrupted her thoughts, “I willna keep ye any longer. Yer free to leave, but report to Alana for she has been waiting for ye to go into town.”
                  A small smiled etched its way onto her lips, as Kirstin felt relief that Lachlan was still allowing her to go into town with her friend. Even though it was apart of her duties, she was sure that he would deny her the opportunity.
                  Before she made leave, Lachlan said lowly, “And ye better no’ do anything foolish.”
                  Kirstin acknowledged his words, and then

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