038 The Final Scene

Free 038 The Final Scene by Carolyn Keene

Book: 038 The Final Scene by Carolyn Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Keene
Tags: Mobilism
    “I sneaked in the back door. I didn’t want anyone to know I was here. I told everyone I was going to bed early because of a headache.” She pressed her hand to her forehead. “And it wasn’t a lie—about the headache, I mean.”
    “Do you want to sit down?” Nancy asked, motioning toward a couple of folding chairs in the wings.
    “No, thanks. I’m fine standing.”
    “So, why did you want to see me?” Nancy asked anxiously.
    “I wanted to tell you this earlier, but Brady said I shouldn’t,” she said. “It’s about Simon.”
    “Yes?” Nancy tried not to appear too eager.
    “I think he may have kidnapped Bess.”
    “I think he may have, too,” Nancy said. “Tell me why you think so.”
    “Because I heard him and Brady talking the other morning on the plane when we flew in. Actually, they were arguing.”
    “About what?”
    Deirdre nervously bit the tip of her manicured fingernail. “I’m not sure, exactly. I heard Simon say something about a publicity stunt, but Brady violently shook his head. When I asked Brady about it later he said that Simon was only asking the two of us to pretend we were in love.”
    “But you didn’t believe Brady?”
    “No,” Deirdre answered, looking down. She toyed with the fringed edge of the emerald green scarf that was knotted around her slender waist. “There had to be more to it than that because Brady seemed really upset. And the romance gimmick is done all the time. I don’t think he would have objected so strongly to it.”
    Nancy chewed on her lower lip as she considered this new information. “But Brady wouldn’t tell you the real story?”
    “No. That’s what he and I were arguingabout in the restaurant. I told him that if he knew something he had to come forward, but I think he’s afraid that Simon will drop him as a client.”
    “Would that be so bad?”
    Deirdre shrugged. “Brady seems to think so.” She glanced around nervously. “I have to go. My mom will be calling from L.A. pretty soon, and if I’m not in my room, she’ll call Simon.”
    “Thanks for your help, Deirdre. If you can get anything at all out of Brady . . . ”
    “You’ll be the first to know. And, Nancy,” she added. “I don’t want Simon to know I’ve been to see you.”
    “Don’t worry, Deirdre. He won’t, I promise.”
    They said good night, and Deirdre left to go out the back door.
    Nancy stood on the stage for a moment, thinking about what Deirdre had said. The more she heard about Simon Mueller, the more she thought he had to be the kidnapper.
    Then she heard a creaking sound. She wasn’t alone. From the wings to her left the noise grew louder. Metal screeching against metal.
    Every nerve in her body tensed as she slowly made her way toward the noise.
    Abruptly the sound stopped. Nancy stood, quietly waiting, straining her ears. But only thick silence greeted her.
    A flash of silver above her made her flick her eyes up. Just in time to see a heavy object come falling from the ceiling. A movie screen hit her then, striking her on the head.
    Nancy fell to the floor. As she lay there, she felt a suffocating darkness close in.
    She tried to move, but her legs were pinned under the screen.
    She tried to scream, but she couldn’t make a sound come out of her throat. It was a nightmare.
    Then the darkness became a black void that swallowed her, and she slipped into unconsciousness.


    N ANCY WOKE UP to the sounds of breakfast carts being wheeled down the hall. A loud voice paged, “Dr. Evans. Dr. Evans, please come to I.C.U.”
    Blinking her eyes against the morning sun that streamed through a window beside her bed, she murmured, “Where am I? What, happened?”
    In an instant Carson Drew was at her side, holding her hand. “Nancy, it’s me. Dad. Wake up,” she heard him say.
    “Dad?” she asked as the image of his face swam into view.
    “Yes. I’m right here. And George is here, too.”
    Nancy lifted her head to look down

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