MERMADMEN (The Mermen Trilogy #2)

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Book: MERMADMEN (The Mermen Trilogy #2) by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
    “Begin.” Liv heard Roen’s voice call out.
    The sound of grunting and fists hitting bone filled the air.
    Oh god. Oh god.
    Then a wail prompted Liv to cup her hands over her ears. She couldn’t listen. Then within the span of a few seconds, the room exploded with cheers.
    Jason tapped her shoulder, and Liv removed her hands.
    “It’s done; you can look now,” he said.
    Liv glanced over her shoulder toward the center of the room, where a man lay flat on his back, out cold. The other man—with short brown hair and fish-scale tattoos from the neck down—victoriously shook his fists toward the sky.
    “Oh crap. Is he okay?” Liv asked.
    Jason smiled. “Nope. Too bad. I really liked the guy.”
    Liv winced. The man was dead. Dead. And everyone was behaving as if he’d lost a boxing match or arm-wrestling contest.
    A few men dragged the dead guy outside, and the winner escorted the woman to the other side of the room. She beamed up at the guy like she’d won a brand-new car.
    Roen stood from his throne, clapping. He wore his standard suede, nothing else, and looked like a damned sex god with his bronzed skin, sculpted lean muscles, and rippling washboard stomach. His hair, a rich brown made of golds and chestnut hues, fell down around his face, giving him a wicked, fierce look. Liv was in the process of pushing her desires down a deep, dark hole when Roen looked in her direction.
    “You’re up.” Jason gave her a little shove toward Roen.
    This is it. Keep calm. Whatever happens, keep calm . Her heart and stomach, however, were in a violent tailspin.
    Roen locked eyes on her like a hungry predator and then gave her a cold nod. She nodded back and then stood at his side where the other woman had been.
    “Those who wish to place their claim, please step inside the circle,” Roen said, his deep, authoritative voice bouncing off the dark gray stone walls.
    The room fell into a tension-filled silence. Not one man stepped forward.
    “Last call,” Roen repeated. “Any man who wishes to place a claim, please step into the circle.”
    Not only didn’t anyone step forward, she noticed some of the men stepping away, repelled by her. They really believed she was defective or…rejected…or whatever Jason had called her.
    “I place my claim.” In strutted Shane.
    Oh shit. Where’s Dana? Liv guessed that Shane had her stashed close by in case Liv decided not to play things his way.
    “Liv, nice to see you again,” Shane said and dipped his head. Liv didn’t dare look at Roen. She knew he might see right through her.
    “Shane.” Liv smiled pleasantly.
    “Per our laws,” Roen spoke to Shane, “you are the only man here who wishes to claim this female. Therefore, she is yours.”
    What? Liv’s shock almost gave her away, but Shane made no effort to hide his. His face turned bright red, and his hands balled into tight trembling fists.
    “Something the matter, Shane?” Roen asked.
    Yeah, he wanted a fight and didn’t get one.
    Roen continued, “You look disappointed. Of course, I would be too if I’d just claimed another man’s discarded female, but who am I to judge?”
    The room filled with grumbles and laughter.
    For a split second, Liv’s ego urged her to get upset. Then she realized what Roen was really doing: Turning the tables on Shane by not giving him what he wanted. In fact, he seemed to be egging Shane on. Maybe attacking Roen without cause would land Shane in some sort of hot water?
    Mermaid-chow water?
    Shane made a stiff little bow in Roen’s direction and then grabbed Liv’s hand before turning away to go take their place with the other couple.
    Liv couldn’t believe it. Roen hadn’t lifted a finger for her. No, she wasn’t mad. She was relieved. Her plan had worked.
    “There’s just one thing,” Shane said loudly for all to hear before facing Roen again.
    “Yes, Shane?” Roen’s voice made it clear he held zero esteem for this man.
    “Well,” Shane scratched his

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