MERMADMEN (The Mermen Trilogy #2)

Free MERMADMEN (The Mermen Trilogy #2) by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Page B

Book: MERMADMEN (The Mermen Trilogy #2) by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
scruffy black stubble, “I really am an old-school kind of merman.”
    “And?” Roen crossed his meaty arms over his broad chest.
    “I like to adhere to the traditions of our forefathers. I think it shows respect to honor the ancient ways. I will claim my female here for all to see.”
    Liv’s stomach made a little flip, and she jerked her hand away. Oh God. Shane had a plan B. Did Roen?
    Shane went on, a snide smile glued to his face, “I think it will be a nice way to kick off the evening; show everyone how it’s done. A good bite to make her scream, and a good fuck to make her scream louder.”
    Even the other men, who exchanged glances, seemed uncomfortable with this.
    Roen stepped forward, his face filled with a calm, deadly coldness. “You’re saying you wish to humiliate the woman, and that is not allowed.”
    Shane turned to Liv. “You won’t mind, will you, darling?”
    Liv’s mouth opened, but it took a few moments for her to speak. “Um—um…no. That’s fine, if it will make Shane happy.”
    “See,” Shane said, “she’s all for it.”
    Shane grabbed Liv’s hand and stepped around Roen.
    Oh fuck. This plan had gone terribly, terribly wrong.
    Shane walked her over to Roen’s throne, and he gave her a little push. “Lean forward, honey. I think I’ll get us warmed up before the bite.”
    Liv felt the tears welling in her eyes, and her knees shook so hard, she could barely stand. There was no way she could let him do this. No way. But then Dana would be put up for grabs next and then what?
    Liv flinched when Shane placed his hand on her shoulder. The other hand reached down, sliding up her dress.
    Liv began to twist away when Roen’s loud, restrained voice called out, “Shane, you can have the throne. It’s yours.”
    Shane released her and turned.
    “Yes,” Roen said. “You heard me right. It’s yours. I give it to you.”
    “You can’t give me leadership. Giving is for pussies. It is the way of the weak.”
    “I can,” Roen replied with a deep menacing tone, “because there is no law prohibiting my right to do so if I choose.” Roen threw out his arms. “So it’s yours. All I ask in return is to allow Liv and her sister to leave the island.”
    Shane smiled. “I knew you didn’t have it in you to fight for her.” Liv knew Shane referred to the island, not herself. “Because you’re weak.”
    Roen shrugged. “If showing mercy is weak, I guess I am. I simply don’t see the point of taking advantage of a female or blackmailing her to do my bidding. Although that seems to be your way and the way of this island—using our mates against us. Just like the island has done to our people for thousands of years. We fight to protect her; she uses our hearts and women to enslave us. But we have a choice to say no. There are other ways to protect the island and they don’t involve watching our women suffer.”
    “We won’t get them back if we don’t do as she asks,” said one man in the crowd.
    “You really think the island plans to give them back?” Roen’s voice filled the vacuous chamber while he pivoted, addressing the men. “By my calculations, there are over two thousand maids. Two thousand. Yet there are only two hundred of us, including some who’ve yet to find mates. So you do the math, gentlemen. How many will ever live to see the day when our women are set free? The answer is none. Because we end up dying in these archaic rituals only to be replaced by a new harvest of warriors. We fight. We love. And we die. But we are never allowed to live. So make no mistake, we are the island’s slaves, and she has no plans to change that. But I do. So you may follow Shane as leader of the island and continue accepting these antiquated traditions meant to control us, or you can follow me—not as the island’s chosen leader, but as your leader.”
    “The island will punish us,” screamed a random male voice.
    Roen lifted his chin and moved his steady, confident gaze over

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