orgasms, it goes on auto pilot.
Where does the fluid come from?
There has been much speculation and controversy over this question. Considering the volume of fluid that is sometimes ejaculated (any where for 1 tsp. to 1 cup or more), some believe that it is urine and that it comes from the bladder, but lab tests have shown that this not true and that the chemical make-up it similar to that of male prostate fluid.
It is now believed that the fluid comes from the pariurethal sponge which is the female equivalent of the male prostate gland which lies behind the G-Spot and is composed of many pariurethal glands, which are similar in structure to the glands that make up the male prostate gland. When the G-spot is stimulated the pariurethal sponge swells with the fluid until the point of ejaculation, then is expelled and passed out the urethra.
Another theory that currently exists is that it is some form of chemically altered urine. I do not subscribe to that theory. But even if that is the case urine is sterile and would not causes any harm.
How much comes out?
Volume will differ from woman to woman, just like it does for men. The amount ejaculated on average is 2-3 tablespoons up to a cup in a single session.
Do all women have the capacity to Ejaculate?
At this point in time this is not known scientifically however in both Taoist and Tantric schools of thought, it is believed that all women are capable of the sacred orgasms which bring forth the yin tide or amrita. I must add that there are many variables both physiological and physiological, one of them being the number and size of the pariurethal glands of the particular woman in question. Each woman would have to be evaluated on a case by case basis. I personally believe that most, if not all women do have the capacity to ejaculate and can learn to do so, or I would not be writing this manual.
In fact recent studies done in Spain by researchers Francisco Cabello Santamaria and Rico Nesters suggest that all women do ejaculate but that the quantity and ability to emit or squirt the ejaculate out varies from woman to women. Meaning that some women may product very small amounts of ejaculate ( only a few drops) and other may produce up to a cup. Also if a woman is producing a significant quantity of ejaculate, but her sexual muscles are not strong enough to force the ejaculate out it may just dribble out of her vagina never to be seen. This is one explanation of the wet spot that many women have underneath them after sex.
In the next chapter you will read real life experiences from my anonymous survey of over 10,000 women who have had G-spot orgasms, ejaculatory orgasms both from clitoral and G-spot stimulation.
Chapter 3
Survey Results (Women) : Real Life Experiences
What are men and women saying that have experienced female ejaculation?
That is a great question and there is no better way that to let you read for yourself. I have had a survey running on the WWW for over two years now. I have asked over 10,000 women and almost as many men a list of questions about their sex practices and desire part of which included questions about female ejaculation. Of course I can’t show you all of the answers or this manual would be over 18,000 pages long. But what I have done is to take some of the best answers and the answers that are representative of the most common answers.
So what I want you to do now is to read through both the women’s answers and men’s answers (in the next chapter) over the next 60 pages or so and learn from their input. You read what type of experience they have had. Some will tell you what they had done to them/ or did to themselves to have the experience. This way you are not just taking my word for it but you are learning from some of the same data that I have learned from.
Then I will teach you the techniques and formula that I think works the best.
Note: The following Excerpts are from my web survey, they are unedited except for