Untamed Hearts
this town knows. She’s only sixteen,
and the things they say about her... but I don’t believe them, not
for a second. Brit doesn’t even seem to care. She just strides
around town with her tough-girl outfits and that dark, piercing
stare, like nothing can touch her.
    She doesn’t realize how beautiful she is.
    Brit looks up from the counter, and I leap back,
embarrassed, but she doesn’t see me out here in the fading dusk
light. She says something to the person at the back of the diner,
and then pulls of her apron, grabbing a scuffed satchel and heading
for the front door.
    I quickly take a few steps up the street, and
pull out my phone, like I’m looking at a message.
    The door rings, and Brit steps out onto the
    “Hey Brit!” A voice calls, and she turns. It’s a
couple of local guys, toting six-packs and snacks. “You coming to
the party?”
    Brit shrugs. “Maybe.”
    “You gotta,” the other guy urges. “Last blowout
of the year. It’ll be crazy. Down at the beach, past the
    “Cool,” Brit nods. “I’ll swing by later.”
    She turns back and sees me watching. Brit looks
startled, and I quickly drag my gaze away and start walking, back
towards my truck. I feel like an idiot, but at the same time, I
sense the burn of her gaze still echoing through me, her dark eyes
full of secrets.
    I’ve wanted her all summer long.
    She’s always been here, around town, but
somehow, this year, everything changed. I took one look at that
glaring, wounded stare, and suddenly, she was the only thing I
could see. Other girls just faded into the background. I didn’t
want them. I didn’t care about anyone but her. I found myself
looking for her in every crowd, suggesting Sunday breakfast at the
diner just to catch a glimpse of her, imagining what it would be
like to touch that soft dark hair, taste those perfect pink
    Maybe it would be different if I thought I
didn’t stand a chance, but now I know, this weird connection
between us runs both ways. Last week, I was working in the harbor
cleaning up our boat when I caught her watching me from the shore.
I didn’t let her know I saw her, I acted like nothing had changed,
but I felt her eyes roving over my body; caught the look of desire
on her face.
    It took my breath away.
    Any other girl, I would have strolled right on
over and asked her out. Taken her for a stroll on the beach, never
thought twice about kissing her. Hell, if I’m honest, I would have
sealed the deal too, shown her everything I already know about
making a woman moan with pleasure—and let her teach me so much
    But Brit isn’t any other girl. She’s like a
blazing neon sign on a dark night: ‘Warning: Danger. Keep out.’
Even now, heading back to the house, I see her face dancing in my
memory, and the beautiful burn of those dark eyes, calling to
    I shake it off. Even if I wanted to, summer is
as good as over. Come tomorrow, I’ll be miles away, and Brit will
be nothing but a memory—if she was ever anything more.

    Back at the house, the party is still
underway. I suffer through drinks, and dinner, and more mindless
small-talk that even another secret vodka can’t improve, all the
while deflecting questions about college, pretending like when it
comes to my future, I have any say at all.
    “And are you seeing anyone special?” One of the
nosy blondes asks. I’ve been stuck seated next to her all through
dinner, watching her push a single green bean around her plate.
    “Not right now,” I force a polite smile.
    “You know, my niece Kiki is starting at Harvard
in the fall, I should give you her number, she’s just a doll!”
    “Then keep her away from Hunter,” Jace
interrupts, coming to my rescue with a teasing grin. “He’ll only
break her heart.”
    “Oh, you boys!” The woman laughs, but writes me
out the number all the same. I crumple it into my pocket, not
interested in Kiki, or Jennifer, or any of the other numbers my

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