Phoenix Guards all over the place, so we felt safe. A few days later, I opened up a small shareba game, and the next day a game of s'yang stones and a game of three-copper mud. Our list on Laris grew, but he still wasn't doing anything. I wondered what it meant.
    "Hey, Kragar."
    "How many Dzur does it take to sharpen a sword?"
    "I dunno."
    "Four. One to sharpen it, three to put up enough of a fight to make it worthwhile."
    "Oh. Is there some point to that?"
    "I think so. I think it has something to do with needing to have opposition in order to act."
    "Hmmmm. Is this leading somewhere, or are you just being obscure?"
    "I'm going to take a walk. Who's protecting me today?"
    "A walk? Are you sure it's safe?"
    "Of course not. Who's on duty?"
    "Wyrn, Miraf'n, Varg, and Glowbug. What do you mean, a walk?"
    "I'm going to visit my businesses. Word will get around that I did so, and that I'm not worried about either Laris or the Empire, customers will relax, and business will pick up. True or not true?"
    "You're going to show that you aren't worried by walking around with four bodyguards?"
    "True or not true?"
    He sighed. "True, I guess."
    "Call them in."
    He did so.
    "Stay here," I told him, "and keep things running." We walked out of the office, past the ruins of the front of the shop (I didn't dare let anyone close enough to me to let them do repairs), and into the street. There were a pair of Phoenix Guards at the northwest corner of Garshos and Copper Lane. We went that way, Loiosh flying ahead, and I could feel their eyes on me. We went east on Garshos to Dayland, and I was surprised that I didn't see any others. We went to the cleaner's, which was set up in the basement of an inn called The Six Chreotha, which looked like it had been slowly falling to ruin for a few thousand years. I went in to see the cleaner. He was a cheery-looking guy named Renorr: short, dark, with the curly brown hair and flat features that claimed he had Jhegaala somewhere in his background. His eyes were clear, which proved that he hadn't been in the business long. Cleaning stolen goods is not something one can bribe Imperial guards about, so one must be careful not to let them find out one is doing it. Fences always end up with shifty, frightened eyes.
    Renorr bowed and said, "I'm honored to meet you at last, lord." I nodded.
    He gestured outside. "They seem to have left."
    "Who? The guards?"
    "Yes. There were several near here this morning."
    "Hmmm. Well, that's all to the good, then. Maybe they're reducing their forces."
    "How's business?"
    "Slow, lord. But picking up a bit. I'm just getting started."
    "Okay." I smiled at him. "Keep it going."
    "Yes, lord."
    We walked back out, continued to Glendon, followed it to Copper Lane, and headed back north. As we walked past the Blue Flame I stopped.
    " What is it, boss? "
    " Those guards, Loiosh. There were two of them on that corner fifteen minutes ago; now they're gone. "
    " I don't like this... "
    Glowbug said, "Notice the guards are missing, boss? That's a demon of a coincidence. I don't like it."
    "Bide," I told him.
    " I think we should get back to the office, boss. "
    " I don't think-- "
    " Remember what you said about my 'feelings'? Well, this one is strong. I think we should get back right away. "
    " Okay, you've talked me into it. "
    "Back to the office," I told Glowbug. He seemed relieved. Varg made no response whatsoever. Wyrn nodded, his eyes dreamy, and his half-smile didn't change. Miraf'n nodded his great, shaggy head.
    We went past the Blue Flame and I started to relax. We reached the corner of Garshos and Copper, and Wyrn and Miraf'n looked down both ways carefully, then nodded. We went past the corner and came into sight of my office. I heard a strange, shuffling sound behind me, a false step, and spun in time to see Varg falling to his knees, a look of shock on his face. With the corner of my eye I saw Glowbug falling.
    " Look out, boss! "
    For the briefest instant, I

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