The Hood of Justice

Free The Hood of Justice by Mark Alders

Book: The Hood of Justice by Mark Alders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Alders
Tags: GLBT, Paranormal, Action
the alarm had been tripped for no good reason, if Casey and his partner weren't the reason for being summoned, then he'd make sure his security guards would feel the full extent of his wrath. The next inmates of his dungeon.
    When he came to a hall, the last part of the private area to the gym complex, John came into sight. He looked flustered.
    "What's the matter?" Randy snapped.
    "It's Peter, sir. He's been compromised."
    "Explain." Randy listened with interest while John told him of Casey and his partner's arrival. A smile formed on his lips. His cock stirred, too. Seemed he was going to get some more action tonight, after all. How delicious.
    "…So that's the sum of it, sir. He's bringing them to the south entrance as we speak."
    "You've done well, John, and you will be rewarded for your loyalty. Now, put into plan the course of action I instructed you about earlier."
    John saluted. "Yes, sir."
    He watched his guard head for the secret door. His plan was simple. When the cops were inside the building, their backs turned and unawares, John would rush out of his hiding place and ambush them, using the tasers on them Randy had acquired from one of his latest enterprises. The plan was to dispense with Casey's partner. He was then instructed to escort Casey to his office. Randy would deal with the man himself, personally.
    Randy came to his office once he was satisfied John was in place, that his plan had the best chance of working. He opened the door to his private sanctuary, the smell of cigars and old wood struck him.
    He had to get prepared. Casey would be here soon. His anger had subsided now he knew why the alarm had been tripped. John had done well. The man would receive a substantial pay increase, perhaps even a bonus. Pity Peter wouldn't be a help anymore. Oh well, he'd make a perfect accessory to the fuck harness after he had put Casey into it. He liked to have more than one victim in his dungeon at a time, anyway. Jason was the only one left alive down there at this point in time. Not a good situation as far as he was concerned. 
    When he had retrieved his gun, made sure it was loaded, he sat back in his leather chair. Now he would wait.
    * * * *
    Casey got a strange feeling, right in the pit of his stomach. What's more, his foreskin tingled, so much so, many times he had to scratch himself but not look too obvious he was scratching himself.
    "What you doing, buddy?" Bruce whispered, leaning over to say those words into Casey's ear. Thankfully they walked side by side. Peter had taken the lead.
    "My foreskin's tingling."
    Bruce seemed taken aback for a moment. "What does that mean?"
    Casey looked him in the eye. "I'm not sure, but every time it does, it means I'm ready to question any perp. Perhaps it's like a pre-emptive warning or something. I don't know." 
    "So what, you're like Spiderman?"
    "I suppose." Casey shrugged his shoulders. "But I don't think the tingling is to alert me to any impending danger, as such. Then again, it could be. I'm not sure."
    "Perhaps it just means there's a good looking bloke in the area and your dick picks up on it like some sort of radar. I mean, I seen the file photos of Randy Piper. He'd give my Maria female wood, for sure."
    "Yeah, he's a looker. Pity he's a psychopath."
    Bruce clicked his fingers. "Perhaps that's what you're hood picks up on. The guilty blokes."
    Before Casey could answer, add any more to their rather interesting conversation, Peter turned. "We're here. The entrance to Randy's private quarters is through that door."
    Bruce barged past the security guard. "We'll handle it from here. Case, show the man the warrant. About time we stopped pussy footing around and arrested this dirty perp. From what you've told us already, Peter, we've got enough reason to haul his sorry arse in for questioning."
    A look of confusion crossed Peter's face, his eyebrows knitting. Casey waved the papers in front of his nose. "What did I tell you?"
    Casey patted the guard on his

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