The Tycoon's Son

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just that this is the first time we’ve been apart for so long and I find myself missing her terribly.”

    “I understand,” Theo said, although he didn’t. He didn’t have any children to miss. “I take it she lives with you?”

    “Her father and I share custody,” Trish said.

    His face must have shown his surprise because she smiled. “Coordinating her care can be hard but the arrangement is in Cassidy’s best interest. And I’m still the primary custodial parent.”

    “That must be hard.” Theo couldn’t imagine how she did it. He knew firsthand the demands of owning a business and the stress she must be under. “Being on your own with a child.”

    “I guess I don’t really feel alone,” Trish said, and he was happy to see that all trace of tears had left her eyes. “I have a lot of supportive friends and Steven, my ex-husband, is very involved.”

    “Is he watching her while you’re here?”

    “He’s out of town on business,” Trish said. “She’s spending the week with my sister and her family in Disney World.”

    A sad look crossed her face and for a second he thought she might cry again. Theo shifted uneasily in his seat, wishing he hadn’t asked so many questions. After all, he didn’t want to care about her daughter or her child-care arrangements. Or how his decision not to sign her contract might affect her personal and business life.

    “How about you?” she asked. “Do you have a wife? Kids?”

    “No,” he said smoothly. “My business doesn’t leave me time for much else. I didn’t feel it would be fair to have a family come in a distant second.”

    He didn’t know who was more surprised by the last statement, him or her. Normally he just said he was too busy and let it go at that. But over the last few years he’d come to realize his decision to avoid serious relationships went beyond a hectic work schedule.

    His mother had spent most of his growing-up years focused on her career, leaving him feeling more like an inconvenience than anything else. He refused to subject a wife or children to that experience.

    “Good for you.” Trish nodded. “I firmly believe family should come before a career. Unfortunately I’ve been forced to balance work and home. But I make a conscious effort to put Cassidy’s needs first.”

    “Which means your needs come last?” Theo said.

    Trish shrugged. “That’s okay. There’ll be plenty of time for my needs once she’s grown.”

    Theo couldn’t help it. The more she talked, the more he found himself admiring…even liking this woman. She’d not only chosen to devote the best years of her life to focus on her daughter, she did so willingly, even cheerfully.

    “So this cruise is a vacation for you.”

    “I’m here because of business,” Trish said pointedly. “I’m here to convince you to sign the contract.”

    “I already told you no,” he said.

    Trish lifted her chin. “The party’s not over until the fat lady sings.”

    It was an American colloquialism, but he understood what she was trying to say, and once again he had to admire her determination. Unfortunately, if she remained so focused on this unattainable goal, she wasn’t going to be able to enjoy the cruise, which could be her only time for herself for the next few years. Unless…

    “Tomorrow we’ll be in Naples,” Theo said. “Do you have plans?”

    Trish looked puzzled. “Why do you ask?”

    “I thought I might call up an old friend who lives there to show me the city,” Theo said. “And I wondered if you’d like to come along?”

    “D ID HE SAY ANYTHING more about this friend?” Sally asked, slathering antiaging cream onto her face in front of the bathroom mirror.

    Trish thought for a moment. “He said ‘old friend’ but I don’t think it’s a grandfather kind of guy. I got the impression he was Theo’s age.”

    A doubtful look crossed Sally’s face. “I suppose it will be okay.”

    Trish resisted the urge to wrap her

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