Forever As One
didn’t. He simply froze in
    “I—I didn’t know. I mean…I knew. I did. I
just didn’t believe it.”
    “What?” Good. His voice was still low and
masculine-sounding. Not a bit of emotion attached to it.
    “I didn’t know…that making love could be
so…you know. Wonderful. Amazing. I mean, it’s just…
    If he still possessed a spirit, it was
soaring, elevated beyond magnificence, hovering atop joy. The
sensation transferred to his entire body, lifting them both a
fraction before he caught it and collapsed back. She’d never
understand. Not yet. He didn’t want to spoil a thing by speaking of
curses and vampirism. Death and rebirth.
    He grunted and she lifted her head to look at
him. The moment she did, he moved his gaze to the ceiling instead.
His emotions were too raw. What she’d given him was too vast. Too
new. Too unbelievable.
    “Was it…good for you, too? Oh, geez. What a
lame cliché.”
    He licked his lips, tasting dried blood,
jerked slightly at the intensity that flared all along him, and
then moved his eyes to hers.
    “You are everything to me,
    “What does that word mean?”
She is the goddess of love.
Of perfection. From the old country.”
    “Oh, no way.”
    “You don’t believe my words? Or the adoration
you evoke in me?”
    He reached out with a finger and traced it
down her nose to her mouth, using it to outline her lower lip. The
tremble that scored her frame transferred right into his, making
him lurch slightly. He’d never felt that sort of thing, either.
    “I am not perfect. Nobody is.”
    “You’re difficult to convince. Ever. Always.
Is that it?”
    “I have cellulite.”
    “You’re very funny. You know that?”
    “I’m serious. I’d get lipo to remove it,
but…well. Everything costs money.”
    “You do not use surgery on perfection,
    “You need glasses, Dane. I swear.”
    “I speak, but I must not be saying the right
words. Evangeline, please. You are my mate. My woman. The only
woman for me. Ever. I swear it.”
    He placed his finger atop her lips,
interrupting her. “You have the ability to change the very elements
about me. I’m unable to see anything other than perfection when I
look at you. Do you understand? To me, you’re not just wonder and
beauty; you are the epitome of them. A goddess among mere mortals.
If I falter, it’s due to my fear at failing to show the proper
    “Wow. You’re quite the player, aren’t
    Dane’s face fell. “You disbelieve me?”
    “Of course.”
    “But, why?”
    “Because…oh, I don’t know. Look around you.
Look at you. I mean, seriously. You’re an absolute babe. Amazingly
cut. Hard. Muscled. Gorgeous. Uh…I mean, really. Look. I don’t even
need to factor in that you’re a bazillionaire. You have to scrape
women off. I’m just one in a continual chorus line of them. You
probably notch the bed post around here somewhere.”
    He could guess who’d messed with her
self-esteem, and the only reason he wasn’t killing Mister Harper
was because the bastard was already dead. Dane moved both hands to
her upper arms, held her for the roll that placed him atop her,
still fully sheathed between her legs. And then he lowered his chin
and growled. He tried to keep control of it, but the sound still
made the air about them pulsate.
    “Oh. Yeah. Don’t let me forget to add that
    “The vampire side.”
    Dane went perfectly still as his eyes
    “What? I wasn’t supposed to notice? Oh, come
on. You even had your teeth fixed. I can’t imagine why. You already
have women hooked just by showing up somewhere. I’m going to guess
you needed to reel them in by adding sinfully sexy to your
portfolio. That’s why you paid for tooth alterations, isn’t it? And
I have to tell you. It was a waste of money. They look fake.”
    “Nobody calls me a fraud,” he informed
    “Add me to that. I

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