Escaping Me

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Book: Escaping Me by Cat Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cat Mason
to Hunter and two women that have slid into the booth.  Scanning the dance floor I can barely see Cam and Aiden making their way to the bathrooms, clearly taking advantage of a stall like I had planned to do with my fiancé.  Why hasn’t Landon come to find me?  Doesn’t he want to dance with me?  I don’t understand it.  Just as I pull away from Gray to go back to the table, my eyes catch Tad’s hand slide along the inside of Landon’s thigh, cupping his crotch.
    I star t run over there.  My first thought is to flip the hell out.  What the fuck is that slimy bastard doing touching my fiancé?  I feel guilty as hell over what little has happened between Gray and me.  Here Tad is feeling up Landon right here in a crowded booth.  I watch in horror as Landon’s head falls back against the back of the booth, his eyes flutter closed.  Tad grins victoriously then whispers something in his ear.  The intimate moment that I am clearly not supposed to see makes me shudder.  Hunter is attacking the mouth of one of the chicks completely oblivious to what is going on. 
    Gray tenses, pulling me back against him, “What the fuck?” He mutters in my ear, letting me know that this isn’t a dream.  I am frozen in place, completely horrified but I can’t look away.  I stand stock still, watching as Tad continues to fondle Landon under the table.  Landon reaches down and I think he is going to push his hand away; instead he undoes his jeans giving Tad full access. I yank away from Gray run down the hall out the exit door. 
    The cool air hits me like the slap to the face I need.  I fall to my knees on the pavement as tears stream down my face.  My plan my fucking plan!  What the hell do I do now?  I can’t believe what I have just seen but the visions won’t leave my head.  They are burned there, I rub my eyes with the heels of my hands trying to get them out but I can’t get rid of them.  Is this why we are here?  Is this why he won’t touch me?  Why am I here if Landon is only here to be with Tad?  I sob into my hands, not moving from the parking lot as I heave for breath.
    I feel Gray standing behind me but I make no move to turn and face him.  He pulls me to my feet wrapping his arms around me. “I’m so sorry baby.” He coos into my ear.  All I can do is sob into his neck, as I fist his shirt in my hands. “Come on let me take you back to the bus.  I sent a text Aiden so he could tell Cam.”
    “I don’t want them to know.” I whisper as I swipe tears from my face.
    “I said to tell everyone you weren’t feeling well so you just left.  Then said I found me a piece to tend to.” He says with a wink. “Aiden and Cam will cover for us.  Come on, let me get you out of here.”
    We walk the three blocks to the bus in silence. By the time we get there I am absolutely emotionally exhausted.  I don’t want to feel anything.  I have just had my worst fears realized, my plan is shot to shit. I have nothing left but to go home, sort through what’s left of my life, and start over.  Landon and I have to be over right?  There is no coming back from that kind of betrayal.  If Tad was that comfortable groping him in public than they are more than working together.  How could I have been so stupid?  I never thought that Landon would do that to me.  Never did I think that a man was a possible threat.  I never suspected Landon could be bisexual.  Has he been seeing other guys this whole time?  How long has he been seeing Tad?  All the questions swirling in my head just make me angrier. 
    “I should’ve went over to the table and beat his ass!” I bite out.  Stomping up the bus steps into the kitchen on a mission to drown my thoughts.  Kicking my heels across the room, I fling the fridge door open, grabbing the tequila and lemons.  “To hell with reality, to hell with the fuckin’ list I’m gettin’ trashed.” I say licking then salting my wrist before guzzling straight from the

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