Escaping Me

Free Escaping Me by Cat Mason

Book: Escaping Me by Cat Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cat Mason
on Landon’s face fuels me as I spin, getting lost in the smooth voice of Justin Timberlake.  I am all about throwing Landon for a few loops tonight.  Hell, I’m sure there are some willing participants to help me out with that.  The thought makes me dip down to the floor and look right at Landon.  His breath stops right in his chest making me grin at him. I think he may stroke out right there in the booth.  Or at least go into blue-ball shock.
    I may not be a damn model but I can work what I have.  My five foot seven inches is curved and my legs go on for days in heels.   Tad and Landon are at the booth nursing beers, everyone else has spread out between the dance floor and the bar I’m sure.  The dance floor starts to get crowded just as hands grab my hips. The intimate almost familiar way they caress my body makes my eyes go wide.  I start to leave but he doesn’t let me.  His fingers spread wide as they run along my stomach.  My eyes jerk to Landon who is no longer watching me.  He’s face is turned away from me completely as if he is ignoring me as I dance now.  Looking to be deep in a conversation with Tad and completely oblivious to whoever is now grinding his very hard cock into my ass.  How does someone go from dragging their tongue on the floor to complete disinterest?
    As my mystery man’s hands encircle my waist I am pulled past the crowd, putting distance between Landon and me.  Grabb ing my hand, he spins me out then yanks me back into his chest.  That new but now recognizable scent hits me.  I don’t know why I didn’t catch it before!  I look up meeting fierce, hooded eyes.  Gray.
    “What...” I start but he covers my mouth with his fingers.
    Gray takes my hands, wrapping my arms around his neck as he moves us to the rhythm.  He has all the power now. I am lost as his fingers run along my hips and grasp my upper thigh, grinding me against him.  His thigh slides in-between mine. I watch his smile spread as I grind down against him like a total whore.  Leaning in he runs his tongue up my throat then bites my earlobe making me moan.  Thankfully the music is so loud around us no one heard.  Daisy, what are you doing?  This can’t happen!  My mind is screaming but my body is listening to the crackling of the air around us.   
    There is very little of us that isn’t touching and my body is on fire right now, begging for him to shove me against the wall and give me what he has threatened to so many times already.  I turn around to avoid kissing him knowing I can’t allow that to happen. He pulls my ass into his dick making my hips instinctively roll against it. His hand runs up my stomach then between my breasts.  I know I should stop this.  Just walk away and go get Landon right now. I know I need to just go demand he take me back to the bus and fuck me so that I can get rid of this feeling.  I have to get to Landon before I lose control.  Before I do something stupid that will ruin everything we have built over the past year.  What the hell is wrong with me?  My hips roll into Gray again as a moan escapes my lips.  His hand spans my throat, pulling my ear to his lips.
    “Are you teasing me Wildflower?” He bites out .  I can only shake my head.  No I am teasing myself all while making a complete whore of myself in the process.  Gray smiles against my ear. “Baby, you make me so fuckin’ hard.  Your fuckin’ mouth felt amazing on me and now your body?  Fuck Daisy, what are you doing to me?  I have half a mind to drop to my knees right now.  All I can think about is burying my face between your legs until you scream.” He whispers making my knees go weak.  I stumble but without missing a beat, he pulls me against him so I stay on my feet. “Landon doesn’t have to ever know baby.  It’s so dark over here no one can see, let me give you what you want.”
    My eyes go wide at his request.  My gaze jerks to the table.  I see Landon and Tad are talking

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