Trust Me (Finding my way)

Free Trust Me (Finding my way) by R.S Burnett

Book: Trust Me (Finding my way) by R.S Burnett Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.S Burnett
into bed next to Tucker trying not to touch him. Now if you ’ve ever slept in a single bed with a six foot, built like a quarter back, twenty two year old man, then you understand how hard it is. If not, imagine trying to fit a hundred and twenty five pieces into a hundred piece puzzle.
    “ Christ, your huge,” I mutter.
    I blush when I realise what I ’ve said and Tucker bursts out laughing.
    “ This is so wrong,” I hear Ethan grumble from across the room.
    “ That’s not what I meant and you know it,” I snap at Tucker embarrassed and elbow him.
    “ I didn’t say anything,” he laughs at me.
    Grumbling threats to torture Sophie in the morning, I turn my back to him and press up against the wall as much as I can.
    I wake up warm and relaxed after a peaceful night ’s sleep until I hear Ethan speaking; he’s obviously stood over the bed judging from how close his voice is.
    “ I’m sorry but … are you two spooning ?”
    I feel Tucker shift behind me. “We’ll we sure as shit aint forking,” he grumbles sleepily.
    It ’s then I notice the reason I’m warm, is because I’m wrapped up in Tucker. His one leg is thrown over both of mine, trapping me in; his arm is lazily wrapped around my stomach and side and I look down to confirm because I can’t quite believe it but, yep, he has a hand under my top, cupping my right breast. I try to remove it with my own hand but he resists and he’s stronger than me.
    “ Hand,” I prompt him.
    “ Hmmm,” he replies sleepily, but squeezes slightly.
    I turn my head to see Tucker still has his eyes closed and Ethan is watching us amused.
    “A little help, please?” I ask, gesturing to Tucker with my head.
    He grins then leans down and twists Tuckers ear. I watch as Tucker jumps up with a yelp and grabs his ear.
    “Thanks,” I grin at Ethan, as I get out of bed heading straight into the kitchen area.
    “ What was that for?” Tucker demands, rubbing his ear.
    “ You were groping me, he was protecting me,” I say, handing both of them a mug of coffee.
    “ I wasn’t groping you,” Tucker grumbles, sniffing his coffee.
    “ You were. I even tried to remove your hand myself but you put up a fight,” I tell him, taking in the scent of my own coffee and smiling.
    “ I can’t help it if my hand has a mind of his own when I’m sleeping; I forgive you though because you gave me coffee,” he says sounding sympathetic instead of sorry.
    “ Right, I have to go I have a test in half hour,” Ethan announces draining his cup.
    “ Me too. Hang on a sec I’ll come down with you,” Tucker replies, stretching and shuffling into the bathroom. I have three more cups and a long shower before I leave their room with a sticky note attached to the coffee machine with instructions for them on how to use it.
    “So, which one did you have sex with?” a voice asks from behind me.
    I turn my attention away from the selection of fruit in front of me and look up to see Beth watching me. She ’s never liked me but since Tucker and I became friends, she seems to go out of her way to be a bitch to me.
    “ Excuse me?” I frown at her.
    “ You spent the night in Tuckers room, but Ethan was there as well. So which one did you sleep with? They both deny having sex with you,” she says impatiently.
    “ I didn’t have sex with either of them,” I protest.
    “ Right…well if it was Ethan, it’s only because Tucker didn’t want you, and if it’s Tucker, then don’t expect a repeat performance because he doesn’t do them. Unless you did both of them; they haven’t been known to do that before, but I wouldn’t put it past Tucker.”
    “ Why are you still talking?” I ask not liking what she is accusing me of one bit.
    With a look that I ’m sure would make wild animals cower sent my way, she walks off and joins a table full of her friends.
    “ Have I mentioned lately how much I hate you?”  I grumble to Sophie as I join her, Matt, Tucker, and Luke at

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