Microsoft Word - ClaimingHisCowgirl_LoriKing_PDF.docx

Free Microsoft Word - ClaimingHisCowgirl_LoriKing_PDF.docx by Unknown

Book: Microsoft Word - ClaimingHisCowgirl_LoriKing_PDF.docx by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
    “I meant, where’s Marilyn?”
    “She wasn’t feeling well, so I volunteered to cook tonight.”
    He watched her for a few moments, bustling about the kitchen as
    though she’d been cooking there for decades. The smells rolling
    through the air were enough to bring a grown man to his knees, and
    finally, he had to ask, “What’s for dinner?”
    “That depends”—she didn’t even look up—“on whether or not
    you can cut the attitude. I didn’t slave over a hot stove just to be
    bitched at because I’m not Marilyn.”
    “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it to sound like that.” Feeling awkward
    and sufficiently chastised, he shoved his hands in his pockets. “So,
    uh, do you need a hand?”
    “Nope, but you could set the table. We’ll be ready to eat in about
    ten,” she said, turning back to the oven. Lauren bent to pull a pan out,
    and he was treated to a view of her lush backside. Instantly, his cock
    thickened behind his zipper, and he took a few steps closer to her so
    that he could hide his erection behind the kitchen island.
    “Is that a cake?”
    “It’s a wedding cake,” she corrected.
    He couldn’t hide his surprise. “You’re making the wedding
    “Isn’t that what I just said?”

    Lori King
    “Lauren, can we start over, please? I know you’re still angry
    with me because of how I ended things, but…”
    “But what? But you want me to just forgive and forget?” Her
    eyebrow lifted almost to her hairline. “I have news for you Vinnie, I
    forgave you a long time ago and forgot you just as quickly.”
    Hurt flashed through his system, and he struggled to find the
    words to respond. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just knew I wasn’t
    good enough for you.”
    “You were right,” she said calmly.
    “So can we start over? Call a truce?”
    “Sure, we’ll just pretend it never happened. I mean, it’s not like
    we’re going to see each other every day. I’m going back to Little
    Rock on Monday, and I won’t be back until there’s another wedding
    or funeral to attend, I’m sure.”
    “You don’t have to stay away,” he offered. “Or at least, I hope
    you’re not staying away because of me.”
    “No, it has nothing to do with you. I have a life back home. A
    career, a thriving business…I can’t just drop everything for routine
    He nodded. “I get that.”
    When she continued to cook, leaving the silence hanging in the
    air, he grew frustrated. How could she act so cold toward him?
    Where was the passionate, feisty girl she’d been? Now she was a
    different sort of feisty. More angry and bitter. Did he do that to her?
    “If you find some time, I’d love to sit down and have a beer with
    you. Catch up?” She froze and stood stock still for a moment before
    she answered.
    “I don’t drink, and I have a lot to do if I’m going to have the
    cake ready for Saturday, but maybe we can catch up on Sunday after
    the wedding.”
    It was an olive branch. A sign of a truce he desperately wanted.
    “Deal.” He smiled at her. Her lips curled up on one side, but she
    fought the smile, and went back to what she was doing.
    “Better get the table done. It’s almost ready.”

    Claiming His Cowgirl
    Vin felt distinctly lighter than he had just moments before, and
    he hurried to prepare the table. The last time he’d eaten something
    Lauren cooked was in high school. She was talented then, so he could
    only imagine how skilled she was now. Excitement filled his chest
    because he’d broken through her wall. Somehow, some way, he’d
    convince her to give him a second chance. If not, he wasn’t sure he’d
    ever find love again.

    Lori King


Chapter 7
    August 7 – Wedding Countdown T-minus 1 day

    “We can’t have the wedding outside. Even if the rain does stop,
    the field is completely waterlogged,” Drannon announced at
    breakfast Friday morning.
    Lacy looked sick to her stomach. “I don’t know what we’re

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