The Dragon's Vamp

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Book: The Dragon's Vamp by C.A. Salo Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.A. Salo
never harm you now, Rhys.”
    “So, I could stand and let you bear down on me with dragons’ fire and I’d walk away unharmed?”
    “Well that’s good to know in case you ever get pissed at me.”
    Mari nodded happily. Moving her leg under his, she flipped him so she was straddling his waist. She moved her hips, smiling when his dick twitched inside her. “Round four?” Wiggling her eyebrows, she laughed when he yanked her down to him as he thrust his now hard cock into her warm wetness.

    Chapter 5
    “Mari, Mari wake up.”
    Mari rolled over in her sleep as her father’s image came to her. “What?”
    “Call to arms, Mari, call to arms!”
    Mari jolted up, breathing heavily, as she slapped Rhys’ arm. “Rhys, wake up,” she said. Jumping out of bed she headed to the cave entrance. They’d spent the last two nights here away from everyone, talking, making love, and just plain fucking.
    “Why?” Rhys asked as he rolled.
    “My father woke me up.” Standing out on the ledge, she looked over the quiet ocean and the full moon hanging low.
    “Why?” he yawned as he stepped up to her side.
    “Call to arms.”
    “I don’t see anything.”
    “Shhh,” Mari whispered. Transforming her eyes to dragon eyes enhanced her vision tremendously. “There.” She pointed as fish jumped like crazy out of the water.
    “I don’t see anything,” Rhys said as he squinted.
    “Trust me, something’s there.” Turning, she went to her battle gear and started dressing. Sliding the leather pants up, she met his gaze. “Call to arms, Rhys.”
    “Let’s go.”
    Mari lifted her amour over her head and started strapping it at her waist. “I need to hold them back from the shore. I can’t let them get on land. You need to go alone.”
    Rhys grabbed her arm hauling her to him as she lifted her gaze. “I am not leaving you.”
    “I’ll be fine. I haven’t sensed the darkness yet, and I fed two days ago. I can hold them off with no problem until you get back.” Mari could see the fear in his eyes. “If I didn’t think I could handle it I’d let you know. Now, I have to call Triton and head out. Please, trust me.”
    His hands tightened for a brief moment before he let her go. “I do trust you.” Leaning down he kissed her hungrily. “I love you, so you better not get hurt damn it.”
    Mari smiled as she grabbed her twin swords, swinging them up onto her back into their sheaths. “I promise if I get hurt, I’ll let you spank me.” Heading toward the cave entrance, she turned as he stepped beside her. Smiling, she stepped off, landing with one knee down on the beach sand. Glancing up when he landed next to her, she stood and met his kiss hungrily. “I’ll see you when you get back.” When he quick-stepped away, Mari walked into the ocean ankle deep, lifted her hand and slapped it to the ocean’s surface. “Triton, I call for you!” Having been in dragon mode and fed recently, she was strong enough to make the call and protect Alston from its invaders.
    When the reverberation wave went out, her eyes narrowed as the approaching invaders stopped. Breathing deeply she held her breath hoping they’d turn back. Damn asses. She growled as they kept coming, and unfurled her wings; giving one mighty swoop, she was up. The salt water sprayed her face as she charged toward them. She could transform to dragon and go undersea, but it would be harder for her to fight them, and she didn’t like being at a disadvantage. Stopping half a mile from their approach, she lifted her arms and pushed down, creating a barrier of rushing water from the sea surface to its floor and back up. “If you come with the intent to do Alston and its people harm I order you to leave now!” Mari’s gaze narrowed when an Isonade came to the surface. They were a dangerous creature. They used their barbed tail as a weapon to strike sailors off ships or even people off the beach—just to

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