The Dragon's Vamp

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Book: The Dragon's Vamp by C.A. Salo Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.A. Salo
    “We are here for Alston. Step aside unless you want to be destroyed.”
    Mari smiled with no mirth, her arms crossing over her chest. “Just who do you think you’re speaking to, fish?”
    “Fish, fish—you insolent woman…”
    “Silence!” Mari thundered letting her dragon self show for a moment. “I am guardian here. This is my land, my territory, and you seek to invade what belongs to me?” Her gaze narrowed when a male Selkie came to the surface speaking softly. Turning her ear, she listened and smiled. “Turn back now if you want to live. Fight for your dark master and you will die.” She interrupted them, meeting the Isonade’s gaze as he turned back.
    “You are the guardian?”
    Mari grinned. “Surprise, asshole.”
    * * * *
    Rhys quick-stepped as fast as he could with his security legion behind him, rushing to the seashore. He could see the residual light of energy discharges and heard the booms that followed. He’d sounded the alarm the moment he’d reached his manor, and Alston’s first wave of fighters was heading toward Mari. Skidding to a halt, sand flew as his gaze spotted Mari. She had her swords drawn as she fended off a harpy and a fairy, her hand lifting to shove a passel of water Other Kin back with a swell of water. “Air support, you’re needed!” he yelled as a dozen flying Other Kin soared over his head to assist Mari.
    “She’s too far out, we can’t get to her,” Drake Roven said as he stopped by Rhys.
    “I can,” Kalana said. “And I’ll make sure she hasn’t been injured.”
    Rhys breathed easier when Kalana flew into the fray right to Mari’s side, as the others battled the Other Kin who had been attacking her when he’d arrived.
    Rhys stood by Drake and their land warriors as all water and winged Other Kin went to the line Mari had drawn. When Rhys heard her giving orders of setting a perimeter, his gaze went to the warriors as they followed her word. His stare didn’t waiver from her as she came toward them. He breathed easier when she stopped in front of him, her wings going back. “Are you alright?”
    “Yeah a few minor scrapes. They started retreating, probably because you guys showed up and their numbers are low. They’re tiring out. I set up a perimeter both undersea and above with normal shift changes. Surprisingly, it’s an Isonade leading them and he had no idea who I was.”
    “But you showed him real fast didn’t you, baby.” Rhys grinned as he drew her into his arms. “Let’s get you fed and put to bed.”
    * * * *
    Rhys smiled as he brushed a strand of her hair off her shoulder, its red highlights shining with the firelight of her sanctuary. She refused to go inland, saying she wanted to stay close to the battlefield. She flew them back up here to rest. His cock twitched as the satiny curl wound around his finger. He leaned over kissing her lips lightly.
    “You know, you’ll be useless unless you get some sleep. I, on the other hand, can stay up for days.”
    “I know, I just…”
    “You want to protect me. I know, Rhys, and I understand. Now cuddle up to me, please, and wrap those strong arms around me.”
    Laying down he did as she requested, spooning her. He kissed the side of her neck. “I love you.”
    “I love you too.” Mari yawned before inching back just a bit to sit snuggly against his strength.
    * * * *
    Rhys jolted awake listening for what woke him. He turned as Mari twitched against him slightly. “Mari, you’re having a nightmare.” Lowering his hand to wake her he looked up sharply when someone grabbed it.
    “Don’t wake her yet,” Darina said. “Her father’s telling her how to defeat the darkness. Give her this for me.”
    Rhys glanced down after she disappeared to see a black rock the size of a baseball with markings etched around it, in his hand.
    * * * *
    Mari’s gaze narrowed as she stared at the battle taking place over the ocean.
    “What’s on your brain?” Rhys asked as he stepped

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