Baking by Hand

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Authors: Andy King
and bottom are golden. Remove the loaf from the pan immediately and cool on its side; this prevents the sides from collapsing as the interior firms up. Let cool for at least 2 hours before cutting and toasting.
    Our very first PM baker, Jereme, came up with this formula, which mixes our liquid sourdough culture with commercial yeast. The goal was to put a little tang in the bread to counterbalance the sweetness of the turbinado sugar. The result is a loaf that is sweet and sour, like cranberries themselves, and goes to show that you can use your culture as an accent, rather than a centerpiece, with no less impressive results. It’s a customer favorite. There’s a little prep to do beforehand—toasting walnut pieces and grinding walnut meal—but it’s not too bad. Try and get them done the day before so you’re not flailing on baking day!
    • Yield: Three 1 lb 8 oz/700-g loaves; or eighteen 4-oz/100-g rolls
    • Desired Dough Temperature: 85°F/30°C
    • Mixing Time: 40 minutes
    • Bulk Fermentation: 3+ hours
    • Proofing Time: 3+ hours
    • Baking Time: 25+ minutes
    • Cooling Time: 3+ hours
    Mix your final starter (see here ). This will be enough for the bread formula, plus some extra to carry on the starter.
    10 oz/280 ml 75°F/20°C water
    2 oz/40 ml liquid sourdough
    8 oz/230 g white bread flour
    1 lb 10.5 oz/750 g white bread flour
    2.5 oz/65 g turbinado sugar
    10.5 oz/300 g liquid starter
    1 lb/450 ml 90°F/32°C water
    2 ½ tsp/18 g fine sea salt
    2 tsp/8 g instant yeast
    7.5 oz/215 g toasted walnut pieces
    3 oz/75 g raw ground walnut meal
    5.5 oz/160 g dried cranberries
    Combine your flour and sugar in your large mixing bowl. In another bowl, mix your liquid starter and water, and remember to keep that water warm to give your yeast a comfortable atmosphere to grow. Then, dump your flour and sugar on top of the liquid ingredients, and mix it by hand for about 30 seconds, until it comes together in a shaggy mass. Don’t forget to scrape the bottom and sides of the bowl regularly; you want all of that flour hydrated and don’t want to see any dry spots. Set aside in a warm place, at least 80°F/25°C, for 30 minutes. If you’re having trouble finding your warm place, it’s time to use your trusty heat lamp.
    Sprinkle the salt and the yeast on top of the dough and grab a four-finger pinch of the dough and pull. It should stretch out like chunky taffy rather than just tear off. Incorporate the salt and yeast into the dough, continuously pushing the sides of the dough into the middle while turning the bowl. After a minuteof this, add in your walnuts, walnut meal and cranberries and continue that incorporating action until everything is evenly distributed. Cover the bowl, and put it in your warm place for 30 minutes.

    Turn your dough onto a lightly floured surface and give it your four-fold (see here ). It should make a tight little package and after every fold the dough’s volume should increase. It should consistently feel warm and active. Roll the dough over and place it, seam side down, back into the bowl. Repeat every 30 minutes until the dough is strong but puffy, warm to the touch and holds a fingerprint when pressed into the surface. The whole process will take about 2 hours.
    Once your dough is ready to cut, turn it out onto your floured work surface. Using your bench knife and scale, divide into three 1 pound 8 ounce/700-g pieces. Gently shape the dough into rounds (see here ), being careful not to compress the dough too much, and place seam side down on your work surface. Cover and rest for 20 minutes to build a bit more strength into the loaf before final shaping. (Alternatively, you can divide the dough into 4 ounce/100-g pieces, roll into little rounds and place on a sheet pan for rolls.)
    Next, dust three round bannetons lightly with flour and set them to the side. Take your rested rounds and

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