Constant Cravings

Free Constant Cravings by Tracey H. Kitts

Book: Constant Cravings by Tracey H. Kitts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracey H. Kitts
cried out as my muscles pulled tight around his finger. He slipped a second finger in and I came even harder. I imagined how his cock would 44

    Constant Cravings
    stretch me as he thrust his fingers in and out of my soaking pussy and it intensified my release.
    “Please, Liam,” I said, still stroking his shaft with one hand. “I can’t wait any more.”
    He reached for the nightstand and took a condom out of the drawer. I watched him roll it on and was excited further by the sight.
    I pulled him down for a kiss as he positioned his hips between my thighs. He used the tip of his cock to stroke my clit a few more times before sliding down between my lips and entering me slowly.
    “Oh, you’re so big.”
    “Am I hurting you?”
    “No,” I said, taking him by the hips to pull him closer. “I can take it.” He smiled and his eyes sparkled with what I’d say was a mixture of desire and mischief.
    “You think you can take that?” he said, teasing me with a few more inches.
    No one had ever talked to me like this during sex before and it turned me on something fierce.
    “Try me.”
    He moved slowly and I felt my pussy stretching to the limit. I screamed as I tried to move, tried to grind against him, but he held me in place.
    “Easy,” he said, his voice husky. “I’m getting to the rest of it.” To my surprise I growled, “Stop teasing me and fuck me.” His eyes were almost black as he looked down at me, watching my expression as he thrust deep inside me. God, he was huge! I’d probably be sore later, but right now I wanted it hard.
    “Liam, I want you to choke me.” I surprised myself with the extent of my need.
    Just because I hadn’t had sex in a while didn’t mean I was inexperienced or didn’t know what I liked. Until Liam, I’d never been with a man who didn’t hesitate at such a request. He leaned over me, his face close to mine as he wrapped his hands around my neck.
    He applied just the right amount of pressure as he moved in and out, each thrust making a slapping sound against my wet pussy. I reached between our bodies, wrapping my hand around his shaft. I wanted to feel him as he moved in and out of me. I closed my eyes and wondered what it would look like, to see him splitting me in two, stretching me open with each thrust.
    The thought of this sent me over the edge.
    “I’m coming,” I whispered.
    Liam applied just a bit more pressure, closing his hands tighter around my neck.
    His body shook with the effort it took to not hurt me and that excited me even more. I 45

    Tracey H. Kitts
    came, stroking my pussy where it wrapped around his cock, feeling my muscles clench tight. The shortage of air intensified the rush throughout my body.
    He released me and I gasped, “Don’t stop.”
    “I wasn’t planning to.”
    He smiled as he brushed the hair back from my face. There was such tenderness in his expression as he said, “Now it’s my turn.”
    Liam kissed me with something beyond hunger or need. There was loneliness in his touch and I felt this as if it were my own emotion. I believe this was because of the connection we shared since our first kiss. The bond was growing stronger every time we touched.
    The longing in his kiss was almost more than I could take. I opened to him, letting his tongue plunge inside my mouth. I lost myself in his kiss, in his mouth and in the hard flesh pressing me into the bed. What I wanted was fast and hard, but Liam needed something more.
    His skin felt warmer, as if power of some kind was coursing through him. His lips burned wherever they touched me and when he bent down to reach my nipple I almost came again. He drew the taut flesh into his mouth, sucking it, flicking the peak with his tongue. His assault on my soft flesh was relentless and I loved it.
    He ran his tongue between my breasts, up my throat and finally to my ear. How did he know my ears were so sensitive? Was he reading my mind? He licked my ear from top to bottom and I shivered. But

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