100 Best Ideas to Turbocharged your Preschool Ministry

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Authors: Group Publishing
to influence their spiritual growth.
    Keep in mind that we couldn’t cast a vision using a large group area because we didn’t have one.Our vision had to be compelling enough to inspire volunteers to begin with our room-to-room model and help us lay the foundation for things to come.By casting a powerful vision, we were ableto build a solid team.When we finally moved into our large group space, we didn’t miss a beat.
    Don’t let the fact that you may not have a large group area for preschoolers keep you from designing an unforgettable experience for your ministry.No matter where you are right now, know your strategy and start with the end in mind.Then recruit volunteers to that end by casting a compelling vision of what can be.

Stories capture preschoolers’ attention and hearts, and they’re not alone.People of all ages love stories.Each year people all over the world spend billions of dollars to hear, see, and experience stories.Stories are part of our very DNA.We’re wired to connect with stories because we’re part of God’s story unfolding here on earth.
    Jesus was the master storyteller.Much of his teaching was done through stories called parables, and people flocked to hear him.Great communicators are great storytellers.
    Tell stories well, and...
you’ll grab the hearts of preschoolers.
you’ll effectively communicate God’s truth to preschoolers.
you’ll keep preschoolers on the edge of their seats.
parents will drive across town to have their children be a part of your preschool ministry.
    How do you make your preschool ministry a place where great stories are told?Remember, it’s about the presentation.The Bible contains the greatest true stories ever told—and the greatest stories deserve the greatest presentation.Here’s how to give 110 percent to present them well.
    Raise up great storytellers.Don’t just put anyone on stage.I’ve made this mistake, and in just a few minutes the kids were completely disengaged.Look for people God has blessed with the gift of communication.Cultivate this gift in them, and teach them how to go from being good storytellers to being great storytellers.Here are a few guidelines I use to grow storytellers.
Involve the audience in the story. Great storytellers invoke participation and involve everyone. For example, in telling about David and Goliath, bring up two people to play David and Goliath. Then have each half of the room represent one of the two armies. Dramatically guide them through acting out the story while you tell it—except for using a real rock for the slingshot!
Describe the scene. Paint the picture of what it looked like. For David and Goliath, an example would be, “It was a gloomy day. On one side of the valley stood the army of Israel. Across the valley on a rocky hillside camped the army of the Philistines.”
Describe the characters. For example, “They were staring at a giant man named Goliath. He was sooo tall! His giant spear was like a tree trunk, and he had a huge shield that carried the marks of battles fought and won.”
Vary your voice. Use different voice levels to bring excitement and tension to the story. For example, (whispering) “Suddenly the Israelites saw the biggest, strongest man they’d ever encountered walk to the edge of the hill. He raised his hands to his mouth and shouted to them (loudly) , ‘Who dares to come and fight with me?’ ”
    Use pictures to enhance stories.It’s true that a picture is worth a thousand words.The mind reads pictures much faster than words.Using pictures when you tell a story will immediately enhance it.Even in our high-tech age, storybooks still work well with preschoolers.Kids love to gather around a book for Bible time.Use Bible storybooks that have lots of pictures.
    Use videos and DVDs as a format for storytelling.Movies and DVDs are simply stories.That’s why children love watching them.I don’t recommend going totally video, but I do recommend alternating video with live

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