Stealing Coal

Free Stealing Coal by Laurann Dohner

Book: Stealing Coal by Laurann Dohner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurann Dohner
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance
    nearly strayed downward to his groin area when he straightened, knowing he stood
    there naked, but she kept her gaze locked with his by sheer force alone, ignoring her
    curiosity. “I don’t want fixed.”
    “I reviewed your medical history. You told the truth when you stated Arm is a
    medic model as well as a defensive android and he has detailed scans on you.” Coal put
    a knee on the mattress, the bed dipping from his weight near Jill’s feet. “I calculated
    your cycles and now is a safe time for you to have intercourse.”
    “What?” She gasped.

    Stealing Coal
    “You’re not ovulating.” Coal paused, frowning at her. “I don’t wish to impregnate
    you. I am a unique cyborg by having active, healthy sperm. It’s why female cyborgs
    forced me into being a breeder while they kept me in captivity.”
    “I don’t want you to touch me. I don’t want to have sex with you. Just stay back,
    He watched her silently for long moments before he spoke. “I don’t see fear. You
    appear angry.”
    “You’re threatening to force sex on me, the thing you feared I’d do to you. I am
    angry. I didn’t hurt you and molesting me would just be wrong.”
    “I won’t harm you.”
    Jill snorted. “Sure. Right. Put your pants on. I don’t want this.”
    “You honestly believe intercourse is painful.”
    “It is.” Fear inched up her spine but she tried to mask her emotions and not show it.
    Her ex-husband had gotten more turned on when he knew he’d terrified her. “Please
    don’t touch me, Coal. I saved your life.”
    “We’ll start with the basics.” He hesitated. “Don’t fight me.”
    Jill jerked up her legs to her chest and kicked out with both feet together, aiming for
    Coal’s wide chest. Her boots never made contact. Large, strong hands grabbed her
    ankles instead and took the force, slowing her momentum until he held her legs
    immobile inches from his body. His frown deepened.
    “I ordered you not to fight me.”
    “Go fuck yourself if you want to get laid.”
    His eyes narrowed as he stared down at her. “This isn’t about my pleasure, it’s
    about yours.”
    “Then put your pants back on. That would make me real happy.”
    He sighed, blowing out a deep breath. “Relax.”
    “Leave me alone.”
    “You’re making things more difficult.”
    “I saved your life. I didn’t have to steal you from that freighter. I could have left
    you there to be beaten and sold. You said you were grateful.” She tried to find the guy’s
    conscience. “You said you were forced to have sex with women. You don’t want to do
    that to someone else, do you?”
    “We don’t need to have actual intercourse but I will fix your fear of men touching
    you and show you that pleasure isn’t one-sided.” His hands shifted their hold on her
    ankles, lifting her legs higher until her bottom rose from the bed. “I hoped you would
    welcome the lesson.”
    “I don’t.” She wiggled but he didn’t release her.
    Coal shifted his hold again, using his thumb to wrap around one of her ankles and
    his fingers curled around the other one, holding both together with one hand. His free

    Laurann Dohner
    hand tore off her boots. He tossed them behind him, the sound of them hitting the floor
    was loud inside the room.
    Jill struggled and twisted when he reached around her and unfastened her pants. It
    didn’t do any good when he got them open and tugged them upward, baring the lower
    half of her body. He took not only her pants but her panties when his fingers hooked
    into the waistband of both.
    “Damn you,” she panted. “Stop!”
    “I’m much stronger than you are. Fighting is a waste of your energy.”
    “I saved you,” she raged.
    “And I’m repaying you.”
    “You’re really screwed up if this is the thanks I get.”
    He paused, her pants bunched at her knees. A frown marred his features as their
    gazes locked together. “I am flawed.” Broad shoulders shrugged. “Tell me something

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