Sinners On Tour 06 Sinners at the Altar

Free Sinners On Tour 06 Sinners at the Altar by Olivia Cunning

Book: Sinners On Tour 06 Sinners at the Altar by Olivia Cunning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Cunning
Tags: Contemporary, Adult, Anthologies
fire. I don’t care if the fuckin’ President of the United States needs to speak to me. Do. Not. Disturb. Got it?”
    Eyes wide, the attractive olive-skinned man swallowed hard and nodded. “I understand, Mr. Sinclair.”
    “Has our room service order been sent up to our room already?” Myrna asked. “I placed it when I made the reservation.”
    “I’ll check to make sure.” The clerk reached for the phone.
    Brian didn’t wait for confirmation. He grabbed the keycards off the counter and took Myrna’s hand to lead her to the elevator. “I don’t need room service,” he said. “I need my wife.” He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. “Uninterrupted for hours.”
    “We have all night,” she said. “And all day tomorrow.”
    “I hope you aren’t planning on sleeping.”
    She grinned and shook her head.
    Because the hotel was so massive, it took them a while to find the right elevator. Myrna could tell Brian was frustrated with the delay. “Sweetheart, relax.”
    “This isn’t exactly how I pictured my wedding day to go. I wanted it to be special for you, and it’s just been one interruption after another.”
    “It has been special for me.”
    She smiled at him, but he didn’t look convinced. When the elevator slid open, she was very happy to find it empty. Brian ushered her inside and set their suitcase down before tapping the button to their floor.
    He needed to loosen up and quit stressing over stuff he had no control over. And luckily for him, she knew exactly how to get his mind off his worries.
    She grabbed two fistfuls of his hair and kissed him. Hard. “You make me so fucking hot, Master Sinclair,” she said, staring up into his intense brown eyes. She knew he didn’t like her to call him by his stage name, but she absolutely wanted to live the fantasy with her rock star husband before she lived another fantasy with the amazing man beneath the stage persona. “Can I do something for you, my personal sex god? Anything. I’m your number one fan.”
    Brian chuckled and wrapped both arms around her. “Don’t call me Master Sinclair, that’s what you can do for me.”
    He hadn’t seemed to mind the title when he’d been pounding her hard and pulling her hair in a dark closet backstage.
    “Is that all I can do for you?” Myrna circled his body to stand behind him. Sliding her hands over his lower belly, her pinkies dipped into the waistband of the jeans riding low on his narrow hips. “Because I really want to please you, Master Sinclair.”
    She forced one hand deeper into his pants and carefully arranged his cock so it was pointing up toward his belly. The head of his half-hard dick peeked out just above the waistband of his low-slung jeans. As she stroked it with her thumb, it rose to attention, revealing itself an inch at a time as it grew harder and harder. His head dropped back to rest against hers.
    “I want to suck your balls while you jack off,” she whispered into his ear. “I brought your butt plug and a cock ring in the suitcase.”
    “A vibrating one?”
    “Yeah. I want to ride you hard. Come over and over again until my juices drip down your sac.”
    “Oh God, Myrna. I love it when you talk dirty to me in elevators. Or anywhere else.”
    “Someone might come in and see me playing with The Beast. Does that excite you?”
    “Yeah, I hope someone sees how fucking hard you make me.”
    “We can ride up and down until someone comes in the elevator,” she said, still rubbing her thumb over his most sensitive flesh.
    “Can I be the one who comes in the elevator?”
    She laughed and pressed her hand against the hard ridge in his pants, holding his shaft against his lower belly. “If I can ride up and down.” When he began to seep pre-cum, she spread it over his exposed cockhead in gentle circles.
    “The way today is going, I’d probably get arrested for public indecency and spend my honeymoon in jail as Big Bart’s bitch.”
    “I wouldn’t let that happen.

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