Forsaken Control (Oathkeepers MC)

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Book: Forsaken Control (Oathkeepers MC) by Sapphire Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sapphire Knight
when I see the man waiting for me silently a few feet away. He has short black hair and bright green eyes, his face marred with a scar. It looks like someone stuck a knife in his mouth and sliced his cheek so he has a half permanent smile scar. It’s totally freaky.
    “Umm, can I help you?” I ask and make my way around the car, placing the vehicle between us and not taking my eyes off of him. I remember the last time I ran into a Twisted Snake MC member not too long ago and got shot in my leg because of it. I want some sort of protection between him and me.
    He grins, following me on his side of the vehicle toward the front where I’m now positioned.
    “Yes’em, you can help all right.” The way he says it, brings chills to my skin and I swallow nervously.
    There’s nothing really between us anymore, we’re face-to-face in front of the hood of the car.
    “What do you want?” I suck up my nerves and question—bravely or otherwise—drawing on any bit of courage I have inside.
    “You tell that rotten fuckin’ President of yours that we heard he has a new VP. Tell him we fuckin’ remember what happened to the real VP and he better get ahold of us.”
    “You leave the VP alone.” I prop my hand on my hip, cocking it out a little and glaring spitefully. “I don’t know who the hell you think you are or where you get the balls to threaten my club and vice president, but you seriously need to back off.”
    His eyebrow lifts and he grins an evil smirk, “That right? Your club? Huh. You close to this new VP?”
    He steps closer to me and my eyes widen in panic. He’s way bigger than me. He could probably squash me with his boot and yet my dumb ass can’t keep my mouth shut for shit. I didn’t seem to have any problem being quiet for once in the store, now I’m a goddamn chatter box when it comes to defending Ares.
    Luckily, I catch a glimpse of London sneaking up behind him. He lifts his plain heather gray T-shirt up, revealing a blade hidden underneath, leather holster tucked into his pants.
    “Look, I’m not telling you anything about anyone. You should just leave before you piss off the club.”
    Chuckling, he unsnaps his blade and I squeak.  London counts with her fingers behind him and when she gets to her third finger she raises her leg up, kicking the shit out of the back of his knee.
    He yelps, flinging forward and the only thing I can think to do is grab his head, slamming it into the hood of Cain’s car as London continues to kick him anywhere she possibly can.
    She kicks him really hard in the kidneys as I’m struggling to hold his head down against the front end. “Fucking run, bitch! Get in the damn car!” She screams, eyes crazy and hair flailing around her like some nutty chick that’s ready to commit murder.
    I release his sweaty head as he briefly drops to the ground, and then he starts to stand, his stance shaky. I feel my flip flops skid out from underneath me against the asphalt parking lot as I take off, but fuck if I let it slow me down.
    I practically leap to the car door, ripping it open at the same time as London. We slam the doors shut and she cranks the loud engine over, the Challenger letting out a mean, nasty growl as it comes to life.
    My door suddenly gets pulled open by the crazy man and London floors it as I scream. The tires spin and smoke. I swear we must have come off of the pavement with how hard she slammed down on that gas pedal. The backside of the car whips to the side, digging for traction, and my door swings for a second before it crashes closed as I’m thrown back into my seat.
    I’m panting so heavily I may fucking hyperventilate. After a moment my body propels forward, flying toward the dashboard as London slams on the brakes.
    “I don’t think so, motherfucker!” she hisses, turning the car in a one eighty and speeding back through the grocery store parking lot toward the scary looking man.
    She clips him with the right front fender, his body making an

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