Trickle Down Tyranny
Murdoch, another billionaire media mogul, sometimes stands in his way and gives the American people news that threatens Soros’s aims.
    Before he was taken off the air, Fox’s Glenn Beck—like me—was always talking about Soros’s complex plans to subvert our democracy. That made Soros hate Fox News even more.
    When Fox News went after—the website funded by Soros’ millions—Soros’s response, as he told, was to donate $1 million to Media Matters “to hold Fox News accountable for the false and misleading information they so often broadcast.” 10
    And just so you don’t mistake what Soros’s views are, here are the words of the man himself, speaking on CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS : “Fox News makes a habit—it has imported the methods of George Orwell, you know, newspeak, where you can tell the people falsehoods and deceive them. . . . They succeeded in—in Germany, where the Weimar Republic collapsed and you had a Nazi regime follow it. So this is a very, very dangerous way of deceiving people. And I would like people to be aware that they are being deceived.” 11
    Get it?
    He thinks Fox News is trying to bring a Nazi-like regime to power in America.
    Sounds to me like a case of projection—he is imputing to Fox what he intends to do himself: bring about a radical and tyrannical change in America’s government.
    Soros is a left-wing Murdoch. He helps fund National Public Radio and has ties to at least 30 other major media organizations charged with policing media bias throughout the industry. 12
    In other words, Soros is trying to gain control over the media watchdogs.
    While this was going on, Media Matters’ head David Brock declared “war”—yes, that’s the word Media Matters used—on Fox News, telling that he was launching an all-out campaign of “guerilla war and sabotage” against Fox. He added that he was using a “strategy of containment” to keep Fox scoops from being picked up by other networks or newspapers. He announced that he has a paid staff of 90 people arrayed in a war room near the White House. 13
    Why Fox? Brock says it is the “nerve center” of the conservative movement.
    This is the same strategy that Soros uses in Europe—where they call it cordon sanitaire —to keep popular political parties that question Muslim immigration policies or the welfare state from forming a parliamentary majority and enacting policies supported by the majority of voters. It has successfully prevented the Vlaams Belang, the largest political party in Belgium, from ever forming a government and electing a prime minister, simply because all of the other political parties refuse to go into coalition with it, claiming it has a “racist” anti-Muslim platform. 14
    In reality, Soros’s minions want to keep the other center-right parties from campaigning or governing on the immigration and cultural issues. The same Soros-inspired cordon sanitaire is in effect in France, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Sweden. It’s one of the ways Soros helps keep the illegal migration of Muslims into Europe flowing: by threatening to defame any party or person that would shut it off.
    Back to Media Matters and its “war” on Fox News and Soros’s attempts to implement a U.S. version of the cordon sanitaire on the news organization.
    Whatever you think of Fox, America is better off with more news channels presenting different points of view. That is why the Founders gave us the First Amendment’s free speech rights. But Media Matters wants to isolate Fox and then destroy it. That means your right to read, hear, and see alternative points of view will be taken away. You will be left with only the Government-Media Complex version of the news.
    In other words, you will be left in the dark.
    Fox fought back. Media Matters is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 “educational” organization. In order to qualify for tax-exempt status, the organization has to prove it has a

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