Trickle Down Tyranny
    It’s why you hear all about global warming, but never about the “climate-gate” scandal.
    It’s why you hear all about the need for gun control, but never about the government’s botched “Fast and Furious” operation to sell guns to murderous Mexican cartels.
    It’s why you hear all about the benefits of diversity, but never learn about the crimes committed by illegals.
    It’s why the media defend the big budgets of the federal and state governments but never mention the fact that the average federal worker ($123,000 annual salary) earns more than twice as much as the average citizen (at $52,000 per year, the median U.S. household income). 9
    It’s why you hear all about the poor, but never about welfare cheats or “homeless” criminals.
    That’s why you hear all about soldiers and CIA agents allegedly violating some terrorist’s civil rights, but never about the brave soldiers or intrepid CIA men who save lives.
    The Government-Media Complex is just one big happy family, with journalists marrying or going into business with government officials or becoming government officials themselves. Media and government are now one interchangeable class and, like all aristocracies, they seek power by taking away your rights.
    Here’s how they do it.
    The Soros-Murdoch Media War
    There is a colossal battle going on right now between two of the most powerful media figures on this planet: Rupert Murdoch and George Soros.
    Here’s what you need to know about Soros: He owns Barack Obama lock, stock, and barrel. Barack Obama is George Soros’s factotum—it’s not the other way around—and Soros is using Obama and the entire U.S. press to fight Murdoch and to bring him down. And right now, Soros is winning.
    Soros’s attack on Murdoch began shortly after Fox News’s Glenn Beck ran a series of attacks on Soros. You might remember that early in 2011 there was a constant stream of anti-Soros material on Fox. The network emphasized the idea that the tax-exempt status of one Soros organization, Media Matters—which is dedicated to pushing Soros’s fascistic, left-wing, anti-America agenda—should be canceled.
    I know what I’m talking about. Media Matters staged a five-year attack on me. I think they’re behind getting me banned in Britain. Media Matters took extracts from my radio broadcasts, made over many years, and edited them in order to slander me. They put me through a year of legal hell defending myself against their lies. And now the British government has affirmed that I’m still banned in Britain. Why? Because they say I’m unable to prove that I “did not commit . . . unacceptable behavior.” By those standards, we could accuse anyone of anything we wanted to, then convict him because he couldn’t prove he didn’t do it. It’s nothing less than another indictment of the false and slanderous attacks of leftist governments on those of us who are telling the truth about what’s happening as the world descends into chaos.
    But to get back to the Soros-Fox conflict: In fact, it was Beck’s continual hammering of Soros and his connections to leftist causes that led to Media Matters getting Fox News to dismiss Glenn Beck. Beck’s show is no longer on the air at Fox.
    There’s no question that Media Matters’ tax-exempt status should be revoked. Media Matters is an overtly political organization and has no business being a tax-exempt corporation. Shortly after this confrontation, Soros’s attack on Murdoch began in earnest, and it’s playing out in the ongoing battle between the two media Goliaths.
    It looks to me like Soros is winning.
    The one threat to the Government-Media Complex is the truth: the facts and evidence that don’t fit their official storyline. That’s what you find on radio shows and websites like mine. And sometimes, even Fox News Channel departs from the politically correct view of the news. Billionaire media mogul that he is, George Soros can’t stand the fact that

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