Private Emotions – Invitations (The Private Emotions Trilogy)

Free Private Emotions – Invitations (The Private Emotions Trilogy) by Elize Amornette

Book: Private Emotions – Invitations (The Private Emotions Trilogy) by Elize Amornette Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elize Amornette
Without saying a word he leaned forward, his lips touched mine and we kissed slowly.
    My eyes were closed and I heard the water splash and looked up to see that he was gone. It was then I felt a tug below and saw his head under the water and his hands playfully moving my panties to the side.
    “Holy fuck.” I screamed in the night air as his tongue explored my body while the hot water played around my tender skin. I moved my hands into the water and caressed his hair. I felt him stabbing in and out of me, making me writhe and twist in the bubbles. “Oh yes, fuck, yessssss.” I was in the middle of a euphoric orgasm that made my toes curl when he resurfaced. He took a few deep breaths as I gazed at him dreamily.
    I felt his hand on my legs as he guided them out from underneath me and wrapped them around his waist. I could feel the hardness of him pressing against me and then he pierced my interior. I grabbed him around his neck as he made the water churn into passionate waves. I gritted my teeth as his cock plumbed my depths. I watched his eyes bore into my own and I could swear that I saw something more than friendship there. Our bodies were whirling around one another and I came hard all over his shaft.
    “Emily, I love being in the hot tub with you and I love being here with you...oh...god...” The head of his penis expanded inside me and I squeezed around the base to stop the sensation from taking him over the edge. I released my tight grasp and then turned my ass to him. He took the hint and penetrated me more deeply than he had before. He took my hips in his hands and slipped in and out of me so fast that I was sure his body would be just a blur of motion. Between grunts, he whispered, “You are one hot and sexy woman and it’s about time you realize that.” Even if I didn’t see that image of myself, it was really nice to know that he saw the real me shining through.
    I never knew that sex could be this good. Ethan was showing me a world that until now had remained just out of reach. His fingers were now around me and they stroked my love button which made me cum all over him. He shared that feeling with one last thrust and he was left panting and exhausted.
    We climbed out, dried off and went to the bed. His arms held my naked body closely. “Emily, you really need to give yourself more credit. You just have no idea, do you?” I wanted to believe what he had said and part of me did because that was how Ethan made me feel. We fell asleep in each other’s arms but when I awoke I found that he had left the room without me.
    I got out of bed, got dressed and joined them in the dining room for breakfast. Ethan looked a lot more relaxed now and he spoke first, “I’m going into town for an hour or so before supper. I was hoping that you would join me, Emily.” His invitation took me by surprise but I accepted it anyway, leaving Ronnie and Mark to fend for themselves.

    We went into town and eventually found this adorable antique store that was tucked away behind the shops on the main street. It had many unusual items that were one-of-a-kind, all of which were stunningly beautiful. There was this one heart-shaped locket made of pure silver that caught my eyes almost immediately when I walked through the door. The intricate patterns etched on the surface showed me that the maker took pride in his or her work and that was rare this day and age. Seeing the price tag, I turned away knowing that I didn’t have the money to purchase such an extravagant item. While I was browsing around the store, I lost sight of Ethan for a few minutes and then he was back beside me where he belonged. I didn’t have the heart to take a second look at that special locket and we walked out of there without buying anything. Maybe before we left I could ask my credit card company to up my limit and I could afford to come back here and get that little piece of treasure.
    We visited a few of the other shops along the main street but none

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