My Favorite Mistake

Free My Favorite Mistake by Chelsea M. Cameron

Book: My Favorite Mistake by Chelsea M. Cameron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea M. Cameron
They’d be the perfect antidote to too much Hunter.
    “Sure, it's on. Just text me when would be a good time. You want me to bring anything?”
    “Every single girly movie you own.”
    “Done,” I said.
    She squealed and gave me a hug before hopping in her car.
    It was still light out, so I didn't have to worry too much about walking by myself. I said good-bye to her and reluctantly walked back to the apartment. I kept my fingers crossed the entire way that Hunter would be gone, or at least one of the girls would be there as a buffer.
    I took a deep breath before I opened the door. 
    “Hey, where have you been?” Renee said, looking up from one of her massive nursing textbooks. The television was blaring; I didn't know how she could focus.
    “Had dinner with Megan. Where's everyone else?”
    “Hunter went somewhere, and Miss Darah is on a date with Mase, if you can believe it.”
    “No way,” I said, joining her on the couch. “I thought I saw something there, but I didn't know he'd move that fast.” College was a strange situation. Things always seemed to happen at warp speed.
    “Me neither, but it was really cute. I think she really likes him.”
    “I have a really hard time picturing them together, but if he makes her happy, then that's what matters.”
    “Well, she hasn't even come home yet, so we can reserve judgment until then.”
    “If she does come home,” I said, raising my eyebrows.
    “You know she's not that kind of girl.”
    I did, but I never underestimated anyone when it came that.
    “I'm bored. I don't think I can do any more reading. You want to do something?” She closed her book.
    “Like what?”
    “I don't know. Mall?”
    I wasn't much for shopping, but if we got to go to the bookstore, I was in. Also, it would get us out of the apartment in case Hunter came back from whatever he was doing. I only had a tiny temptation to text him, but quickly squashed it. I was staying away from him until I could get rid of him.
    “Sounds good, just let me grab some cash.” I ran into my room to grab some money from the jar I kept in my desk. I had to leave my debit card at home when I went into a bookstore or else I would drain my account. I was about to leave when I saw something on my pillow. Curious, I picked it up.
    This is me giving you space. See? We can live together without living together. You still haven't given me an answer about that bet. All you have to do is prove one way or another and I'm gone. The ball's in your court, Missy.
    I crumpled the note in my fist. He knew what I was trying to do, and that infuriated me. I didn't like him knowing what I was thinking, since I almost never knew what was running through his head. 
    I shoved the note in my desk and slammed it shut. 
    “So what is with you and Hunter? I know you've got this weird I-hate-you-but-I'm-really-attracted-to-you thing going on, but could you like, tone it down?”
    “What are you talking about?”
    “Oh, please. You guys eye fuck each other every second you can. It's disgusting, really.”
    I hopped into the passenger’s seat of Renee's Mazda. 
    “We don't do that.” We totally did, but it was Hunter's fault. “I don't mean to anyway. He definitely does.”
    “That's what attraction is. That uncontrollable urge to jump someone's bones, even in mixed company. You guys haven't...” She didn't need to finish.
    “Oh, God, no! I'm not that kind of girl either.”
    I had never told Darah or Renee that I was a virgin. The only person who knew about that was Megan, and that was because we were so close, and I knew I could trust her with something like that. I’d trusted her with a much bigger secret.
    “Never say never, doll. Did I ever tell you how Paul and I met?” I knew they'd only met about a year ago, but had gotten serious, fast. 
    “I was wasted at a party, and this guy was trying to take me home. I don't really remember this, but Paul shoved him off me and asked me where I lived. I somehow managed

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