The Consequences of Forever (1)

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Book: The Consequences of Forever (1) by Kaitlyn Oruska Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaitlyn Oruska
Tags: Young Adult, adult contemporary romance
shaky, something I had never heard from him before. If I weren’t so overcome with emotion, I might even feel effected by it.
                  “That’s what a plus sign usually stands for, yes,” I answered angrily.
                  “When did you take it?”
    I sighed, suddenly feeling exhausted. I sat down on the bed next to him, resting my head in my hands.
                  “Thursday,” I said to the floor.
                  “You’ve known for two days and you didn’t tell me?” There was a little bit of anger in his voice.
                  I looked up at him. “What was I supposed to do, mention it casually in passing?”
                  “No, but you could have said something. Why would you keep this to yourself? Why didn’t you tell me you were even thinking about taking a test? I could have been there with you when you did this.” He waved the test at me and I grabbed it from him, walking back over to the dresser and shoving it back into its hiding place.
                  “I didn’t want you there with me,” I replied. He looked hurt, but I forced myself not to care. This was his fault, I decided.              
                  “Because what good would it have done? You’d just be upset, and make me more upset, and the whole thing would have been a disaster.” I let out a sarcastic laugh. “Not that it isn’t already a disaster, of course.”
                  Adam stood up and began pacing. “What are we going to do?” He asked.
                  “ We are not going to do anything,” I replied.
                  “Well, five seconds ago you thought I was cheating on you with Scott, did you not? I’m surprised you aren’t asking if it’s his.”
                  He shook his head adamantly. “I would never ask you that, Lainey. God. I was jealous, okay? I can’t help that. But I know it’s mine and I know you love me.” He stepped towards me and I instinctively stepped back.
                  “Either way, I’m not talking about it right now.”
                  “How far along are you?”
                  “I don’t know. Not far.” I continued gathering clothes until he grabbed my arm, stopping me.
                  “Please just stop for a second. We need to talk about this.”
                  “I don’t want to talk about it,” I insisted, throwing the clothes back on the ground. “I don’t want to talk about it; I don’t want to think about it, I don’t want to worry about it. I don’t want it to be real, Adam, don’t you get that? I am fifteen years old. This is too much.” I burst into tears. Mortified that I was crying in front of Adam, I ran into the bathroom and closed and locked the door behind me.
                  “Lainey,” he pleaded through the door. “Talk to me. Please? I need to know what’s going on.”
                  “I think we’ve already established what’s going on,” I retorted, grabbing some tissues and dabbing at my face frantically. I hated crying. I hated the weakness that it portrayed, and the way it made your entire head feel stuffy.              
                  “Do you think the test could be wrong?” He asked.
                  “Nope.” I stared hard at myself in the mirror, trying to figure out how it could have ended up like this. The answers were obvious, and at the same time, I couldn’t connect the dots.
                  “Are you sure?”
                  “Yes, Adam, I’m sure. I don’t think completely skipping a period and feeling sick every second of the day is a coincidence.”
                  “You never told me any of that,” he

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