“Are you toying with my affections, Captain?” She asked the question quite casually but found she longed to know his true feelings on the matter.
“Madam, I would never stoop to such behavior. I assure you, I am quite honorable.”
She wondered at his statement. Honorable? About what? Was he testing her feelings? If so, to what purpose? A million questions flooded her mind, but few answers came to light.
When the music concluded, Brandon surprised her by suggesting they leave. “I promised that I would have you home by nine. It’s already half past eight.”
Laura nodded, although she felt a tremendous sense of disappointment. “I would imagine we will struggle to disentangle Carissa. She is having a great deal of fun being the center of everyone’s attention.”
But it proved easier than she had thought. Brandon merely stepped in and took Carissa by the arm. With apologies to her companions, he explained that he was honor bound to have the young ladies home by nine. They were halfway to the carriage before Carissa found her tongue.
“I don’t see why we need to leave now,” she declared. “This is, after all, a party for you, Brandon. Surely you don’t want to disappoint your guests.”
“They are the general’s guests and will go on having a wonderful time even in my absence.”
Carissa gave a bit of a pout as Brandon handed her into the carriage. “It hardly seems fair. This is the first party I’ve attended in ages.”
“Be glad that the captain invited us at all,” Laura said, joining Carissa on the leather seat.
“I am that,” Carissa told Brandon as he took the seat opposite them. “I do thank you for the invitation. I haven’t had that much fun in a long, long while.”
“Well, you are most welcome. Soon, however, I would imagine you will have your own celebrations. Perhaps an engagement party?”
“Oh yes! I am already speaking to mother about the plans. I do hope you will attend.”
“I hope I will as well,” he said to Carissa, though his eyes were on Laura.
Laura couldn’t help but wonder at his behavior. She had enjoyed the attentions of several potential suitors prior to the war, but Brandon was a man full grown where the others had simply been boys. At least they’d acted that way.
He appears comfortable with me , she reasoned in silence. From time to time she would cast a quick glance at the man, but shadows concealed his expression. Of course, Brandon is from Indiana. He may plan to return there once his duties are completed and his discharge is given. What if I’m merely a diversion until that time? She let slip a sigh.
“Are you all right, Miss Marquardt?”
His soft voice seemed to fill the carriage, and Laura felt that same delicious shiver go up her spine. “I am quite well, thank you. And thank you for such a wonderful evening. I enjoyed it very much.”
I do wish Carissa could have joined us.” Laura’s mother fingered a piece of Chantilly lace. “I believe she would want this lace for her veil.”
Laura nodded. “Perhaps Mr. May can set aside the piece for her to inspect tomorrow?” she asked, looking to the portly store owner.
“I most certainly can,” he said without further prompting. “I will keep it in the back, and when Miss Carissa is feeling better you can bring her by.”
Mother released the piece. “Thank you so much. That would be very kind of you. I would hate for such an exquisite piece to get away from us.”
“It came from France, by way of New Orleans.” He carefully wrapped the piece for storage. “I’m told it takes countless hours to make.”
“To be certain,” Mother replied. “Now, what about satins, Mr. May. Have you any white satin?”
Laura watched and listened as her mother inspected one piece of material after another. She held up a beautiful piece of iridescent cloth. The pale pearly pink was some of the nicest Laura had seen since before the war.
“This would make a beautiful gown for