
Free PleasuringtheProfessor by Angela Claire

Book: PleasuringtheProfessor by Angela Claire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Claire
bastard…” Liam laughed. “Speaking of which, I know you
have your heart set on a teaching post at NYU, but what would you think of
    “Berkeley? How about I’d kill for it?”
    “How about Friedman recommended you for it and you got it?
He wanted to tell you himself, but fuck him.”
    She laughed. “No thanks. I think I’ll stick to you.”
    “Good. Because I can get a lot of writing done in
California. I’ve always wanted to live there.”
    “Me too.” She kissed him. “But we have to make it back to
the cabin once in a while.”
    “We will. But only in a snowstorm. Now, let’s go out to
dinner and a movie to celebrate.”
    He kissed her back. “Much later…

About the Author
    Angela Claire’s first love was romance novels, but she
resolved to give them up temporarily for law books (which were considerably
less fun). In a quest for a “responsible” career, she headed off to Harvard law
school, obtained her diploma and settled into a corporate law practice in New
York City—which she hated! After staying in the rat race long enough to pay
back her massive student loans, Angela returned to her roots in the Midwest and
is working as a lawyer at a more leisurely pace than big city law firm life
would allow. A multi-published romance author, she writes in her spare time and
finds romance in real life with her husband. Angela would love to hear from
    Angela welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email addresses on her author bio page at .
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