Six Degrees of Lust
Had he ever been so damned turned on? He
    couldn’t remember. More importantly, he couldn’t deal with it.
    He had to get a hold of himself and put things back on
    familiar ground.
    He moved a few steps away, pulling his finger free in the
    process. He was sure that if he gained some personal space, his
    heartbeat would slow down and he’d be able to breathe normally
    again. But it didn’t work. He still was breathing like a race horse
    and he was so hard it hurt. There was no talking his dick down.
    Sam swallowed one more time and turned around to face
    the man making him feel so out of control, taking in Mac’s
    half-closed green eyes, reddened cheekbones, tense shoulders,
    bobbing Adam’s apple, and tightly fisted hands. He wasn’t trying
    to hide how much he wanted Sam, but wasn’t moving either, as
    if he understood Sam’s need to collect himself. That didn’t make
    him feel any better. Since when was he so easy to read?
    Before he could start freaking out over that, Mac reached
    down and fondled the length of his own straining cock through
    his jeans.
    Son of a bitch.
    Sam’s mouth fell open at the erotic sight. He wanted it. He
    wanted to see Mac’s cock and he wanted to taste it. He wanted
    it so much he almost dropped to his knees in front of the guy.
    six DegRees of Lust 55
    “It’s Samuel,” he blurted out. “My name. Sam.”
    “Pleasure to—”
    “Believe me when I tell you…” Sam cut the guy off. He
    was so done talking. “…it will be.” A second later he had the
    Texan pinned against the door, his sinfully full lower lip captured
    between his teeth. “I want this off,” he said against Mac’s mouth,
    fingers busy opening the top buttons of his shirt. “Now.”
    Mac must have wanted it off as badly as Sam did, because he
    reached for the back of it and dragged it upward. Then he did the
    same with Sam’s t-shirt.
    For a moment he didn’t know how to react. He didn’t have
    a game plan anymore, and wasn’t quite sure how to deal with a
    man that was as much an alpha as Sam himself, and obviously
    not willing to follow leads. And then none of that was important
    anymore. He was too busy drooling over the stunning sight
    that was Mac’s naked chest. It didn’t matter who was leading or
    following or who was doing what, as long as they were doing
    As if in slow motion, he watched Mac lift his right hand and
    brush his thumb against Sam’s lips and jaw before his long fingers
    stroked their way through Sam’s hair and settled on the back of
    his neck. Their eyes met and the message in Mac’s burning eyes
    hit Sam with the force of a two by four.
    He was about to be kissed.
    Sam didn’t do kissing. It had never been part of the
    foreplay during his sexual encounters. Most people used quick,
    dispassionate kisses to set the right mood, but as far as Sam was
    concerned, if he made it to a private location with a potential
    partner it was because he was ready to fuck.
    In his opinion, kisses were something intimate, only to be
    shared with someone that you had or wanted to establish a deeper
    connection with. He wasn’t interested in being emotionally
    connected to anyone, ergo make out sessions were out of the
    Normally, he would have moved away and pushed his partner
    56 Taylor V. Donovan
    down. Put on a condom and have the guy blow him. But because
    that kind of attitude felt too crass and out of place with Mac and
    because he knew he wasn’t backing off, he decided the best thing
    to do was to make it his kiss.
    There wasn’t anything soft or seductive about the way he
    crushed his mouth over Mac’s. It was so forceful the guy’s head
    slammed against the door. He whimpered a little, but Sam took
    the opportunity to thrust his tongue in his mouth.
    The kiss was hot and desperate. There was no hesitation in
    the way their tongues teased and slid together, no awkwardness in
    their passion and hunger. It only took them about three seconds
    to find

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