The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet: Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast
more weight over the long run. They learn how to own their bodies and feel empowered. The studies back up the results I see with my patients.
    The key is to use a healthy, sustainable strategy for weight loss that balances your hormones and brain chemistry and doesn’t put you in a starvation response. The truth is that you can and should kick-start significant weight loss with dramatic (but healthy) shifts in your diet. That is why the Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet is so effective. It gives you fast, safe, powerful results that set you up for long-term, sustained weight loss when supported by the transition programs you’ll find in Part V of this book or the program outlined in
The Blood Sugar Solution.

The Solution: The 10-Day Detox Diet
    Now that you understand the biology of food addiction and the means by which sugar takes hold of your taste buds, your hormones, your brain chemistry, and your waistline, and now that you know what controls hunger and fat storage, you can use that knowledge to achieve a healthy weight and metabolism not by willpower but by detoxification. It’s time for rehab!
    Once you take back control of your biochemistry and body, you can be more flexible, but at the beginning you have to think about this as you would any other addiction. You must unhook from the biology that drives your behavior.
    It takes dramatic change to reset your biology when it is in a state of chaos. You know how when your computer freezes, you need to reboot the whole system? You can’t just shut down one program and hope it will right itself. Well, you need to do something similar to regain control of your health.
    Remember, biochemistry drives your behavior, not willpower. So you’ll have to use some biochemical science to reset your hormones and neurotransmitters—and by extension, to effortlessly end your cravings, lose weight, and reverse disease. That science is the foundation of the Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet.
    Here’s what the detox will do for you:
Shut down the insulin surges —and thereby arrest belly fat storage and cravings.
Improve your cells’ sensitivity to insulin so you need less to balance your blood sugar, resulting in weight loss and health.
Reduce cortisol —the stress hormone that increases cravings for sugar, promotes belly fat storage, and shrinks your brain.
Lower ghrelin , the hunger hormone.
Improve leptin sensitivity in the brain, allowing your natural appetite-regulating system to begin to work again.
Increase the brake on appetite called PYY (peptide YY), the intestinal hormone that makes you feel full after a meal.
Increase dopamine naturally and reset your brain’s reward pathways so you can feel pleasure from eating real food.
Reset your taste buds so real food tastes good again.
Reduce inflammation (the problem at the root of almost all weight gain and chronic disease) by eliminating common food sensitivities, processed foods, and sugar and by including anti-inflammatory foods.
Boost detoxification by eliminating toxins from your diet and life and enhancing your body’s ability to get rid of stored toxins that make you fat.
    Each of these important biological changes occurs automatically during the Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet. They happen as you detox from sugar and processed food… as you shift your eating patterns… as you flood your body with real, whole, fresh, anti-inflammatory foods… as you learn the simple, fundamental skills to help your body heal.
    Keep in mind, though, that this program is designed not just for easy and rapid weight loss, but also to prepare you for long-term weight management and health improvement. So during each of the ten days, you will also focus on one aspect of whole-system healing. I will teach you how to:
Satisfy to cut your cravings for sugar and processed food.
Detox from all addictive substances and support your body’s detoxification system.
Empty and clean out your digestive system to help your body

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