The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet: Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast
start taking care of yourself, do it anyway. You are just as likely to succeed as someone who is highly motivated. Simply give this program a few days and you’ll start seeing results that will not only increase your readiness to change, but will also deliver the change you’ve been hoping for.

    This is another myth tackled in the
New England Journal of Medicine
analysis. We have been taught to make small changes in our diet and lifestyle to create the most success. If the small change is cutting out the daily sixty-four-ounce Double Gulp, then yes, that will make a difference. But most need to make big changes to see big results.
    For example, most of us have learned that if we just cut our intakeby 100 calories a day, or increase our exercise a little bit over the long haul, we will lose weight. We’re continually told that it’s all about the calories in, calories out. But as you saw earlier in the broccoli vs. soda comparison, biology and metabolism are far more complex than that.
    Just going with the math, if you burned an extra 100 calories a day (walking one mile) or consumed 100 calories less per day over thirty-five days, you would lose a pound (3,500 calories = 1 pound). So, in theory, over five years you would lose fifty pounds. Yet studies show that in reality you’re more likely to lose only ten pounds in five years, not fifty. Why? Because of changes in your metabolism and caloric needs that occur as you lose weight. You’ll need to consume even fewer calories, or burn even more of them, just to keep losing at the same rate. For most people, this pace of progress is totally demotivating, which is why they generally abandon their small-scale diet and exercise attempts early on.
    Bottom line: Big changes are needed to create big weight loss. That is why the Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet creates big, high-impact changes right from the start. The program will jump-start the process and unhook you from the cycle of failure and frustration that comes from making small changes that lead to small or no results.

    The most difficult aspect of being morbidly obese for me has been adhering religiously to the latest “best” diet, losing five to ten pounds and then stalling for weeks. It is eating under 1,000 calories a day, walking daily in the hot, humid Southern summer until I cannot walk another step, and losing maybe .25 pound per week. Having my health care provider look at me skeptically as I present my carefully detailed dietary intake log, and being asked, “Now what have you really been eating?”
    In the past, to lose weight I have had to reduce my nutritional intake until I was dizzy most of the time and my hair began falling out. Even then I would plateau and the scale wouldn’t budge. And I would think, “It is just not worth it.” It was hard for me to try yet again, but I trust Dr. Hyman and his functional approach to health promotion. So I joined the trial program, afraid to hope in case this was one more unsuccessful attempt.
    But after ten days I lost 14.2 pounds and 6.5 inches. My fasting glucose was down ten points, in the low eighties. It had taken me four years to lose forty pounds, and now all of a sudden 14.2! In ten days!! I have adopted a new approach to nutrition, and am so very grateful.
    This is another wrongheaded idea that the
New England Journal of Medicine
’s report burst open. We have (incorrectly) learned that rapid weight loss always backfires. We have been taught that if you go for the quick fix, you won’t lose as much in the long run as if you take the slow, gradual approach. But that is not necessarily true. Studies show that if you drop weight quickly, you end up with more weight loss in the end. When I give my patients a big jump start with weight loss, they do better and lose

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