Chaste Kiss
Isabel grin a tiny bit. She shouldn't encourage him, but he was so adorable. Like some mischievous little boy.
    With a curse, Susan grabbed the ice with her hands from the counter and quickly dropped them in her glass, then lifted the bottle of club soda and started to pour. William glanced across the room at her with his brows raised and a crooked grin on his face.
    Isabel shook her head vaguely. He wouldn't. Surely not.
    He did.
    Jiggling the bottle ever so slightly, he made it appear as if Susan had a bad case of the shakes, spilling soda all over the counter. Practically slamming the bottle down, she apologized for making a mess.
    Isabel rushed to her side. “Don't worry about it. Accidents happen.” She went about sopping up the spill with a bar towel. “Why don't I pour for you?” she asked, praying William wouldn't interfere. If he did, she'd consider finding her own curse to bestow upon his not so noble brow.
    Carefully, Isbel poured the club soda then firmly locked Susan's hands around the glass. Unfortunately, William decided to help again. The moment she lifted the drink to her lips, he poured it down the front of her dress.
    With a shriek, Susan shoved the glass back at her. “That wasn't very funny."
    Isabel grappled to catch the glass. “Me?"
    Snatching the towel from the counter, Susan dabbed frantically at her dress. “If you're that upset about Chad, why didn't you just say so?"
    "I'm not upset about Chad.” Isabel clenched her teeth, holding in the other things she desperately wanted to say.
    With a superior sneer, Susan clasped her perfectly proportioned waist with her perfectly manicured hands. “I knew it. You're jealous. You don't want me to have Chad. Well, that's too bad. He's mine now, and I'm not giving him back."
    That did it. She'd had enough. Susan only saw her when she wanted something, and this time it was her ex-boyfriend with a guarantee of no competition. So much for friendship.
    "You can have him.” Isabel slammed the glass on the counter. “I wouldn't take him back if he were the last man on earth."
    "Oh, don't try to pretend, you're just wasting your breath."
    "Well, let's not waste anything else.” Grabbing Susan by the arm, she dragged her to the front door. “It's been fun, Susan, let's not do this again. Ever!” With a hefty shove, her dear old college roommate went sailing out the door.
    She grabbed her side at the pronounced twinge, but it was worth it. After slamming the door closed, she stormed back into the library.
    "Front and center, Lord William.” She stood firm, her arms akimbo.
    William appeared, casually leaning against the bar with a roguish grin teasing his lips and a heart-stopping twinkle in his eyes. Why did the man have to be so gorgeous?
    She shook off that thought as quickly as it came. “That was not funny."
    He gave a hearty chuckle. “Oh, sweet Isabel, I found it most enjoyable."
    She stomped up to him, waving her finger in his face. “You are the most reprehensible man I've ever known!"
    "Ah, but you love me still.” With a hand across his heart, he winked.
    "Oh!” She spun around, waving her hands in the air. “Why did you let her hear you? Do you want to be discovered? Do you want this house crawling with nutty ghost hunters?"
    Her anger suddenly evaporated as the reality of what might have happened occurred to her. Slowly she turned back around. “What if she'd touched you?"
    "Nay, she could not. I cannot be touched unless I take on this solid form.” He crossed to stand before her. “I would not risk never seeing you again."
    He was so close she could swear she felt heat emanating from him, but that was impossible. “You moved the bottle. You knocked the ice cube out of the tongs."
    "'Tis an energy I use to move things when invisible. Just as I did the day that miscreant laid his hands upon you. I was in no danger."
    "You mean like the energy I feel when you're near me?” Thoughts of what else he could do with that energy sent a

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