Diving In (Open Door Love Story)

Free Diving In (Open Door Love Story) by Stacey Wallace Benefiel

Book: Diving In (Open Door Love Story) by Stacey Wallace Benefiel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Wallace Benefiel
    Thanksgiving with my parents and my grandpa is fine. Mom makes food. Turkey, gravy, potatoes, oyster dressing, cranberry sauce, green salad, rolls, pumpkin pie. The End.
    We sit at the dining room table and eat it. No one says what they are thankful for and no one mentions that my brother isn’t here. Dad and Grandpa each have three beers and pretend to give a shit about football while I help Mom load the dishwasher and wipe down the kitchen countertops.
    “Good pie,” I say because I can’t remember if I’ve said anything out loud all day and also because I’m thinking about having another piece piled high with Cool Whip.
    Mom shrugs. “Meh. It’s from Safeway. I didn’t make it to Carlucci’s in time this year.”
    “I could’ve picked it up for you,” I offer.
    “Oh, could you have? In between making out with that disabled boy and dumping your perfectly devoted and might I add, well off, boyfriend?”
    Mom wrenches open the fridge, takes the pie out, collects herself and then calmly drops it in the trash can.
    It’s just a pie. I can easily go to Safeway and buy my own.
    I can buy my own.
    This year is different, I realize. I don’t live here. I don’t only have a room to go to or the threat of my parents grounding me if I don’t do what they say.
    I am overcome with such satisfaction at not giving my mom the satisfaction. I set the skillet I’d been handwashing (because you must NEVER put your good pans in the dishwasher) down on the counter and walk out of the kitchen. My purse is on the entry table across from the den. I grab it and my coat from the coatrack and peek my head in the den. “Later, Dad. See you, Grandpa.”
    Dad barely glances at me and nods. Grandpa comes over and gives me a hug. “You starting interviews on Monday?”
    “Actually, I already hired someone.”
    “I see. That why you’re scootin’ off so quick?”
    I shake my head and smile at him. “No, Mom’s not too happy Andy and I broke up.”
    Grandpa shrugs. “Ah well. He’s a nice kid, but it was never gonna last forever.”
    Grandpa gets a peck on the cheek for that sentiment. “Come over to my apartment later if you want more pie. I’m going to buy a whole one for myself.”
    He laughs, commiserating. “I was considering doing the same thing myself on the way home.”
    I walk to the bus stop, in for a good long wait since they’re running on the holiday schedule. I decide to call my brother.
    “You should know, Brynn,” Liam slurs when he answers, “is that I’ve had a lot of wine and that Dani was right and I should’ve invited you to come have Turkey Day with us because you’re awesome and I love you and I’m sorry I left you behind with our shitty ass parents. Did you at least have third dessert?”
    I giggle. My brother can be kind of lushy. I imagine him throwing a boa over his shoulder when he speaks like this to me. “Sadly,” I say, “I only made it through first dessert. My hope of further stages were thwarted by Mom.”
    “What horrible sin did you commit now?”
    “Andy and I broke up. Very mutually and amicably. And I hired Gabe Riley to work at the store.”
    Liam gasps. “How dare you make fine and reasonable choices!”
    “Well,” I concede, “I am also dating Gabe.”
    I can almost hear Liam roll his eyes. “Working as a drag queen still trumps boning a guy in a wheelchair.”
    “Brynn’s boning a guy in a wheelchair?” I hear Dani say in passing. “Find out how that works.”
    “He is still in a wheelchair, right?” Liam asks. “He didn’t like go all Miracle Boy and awesomely walk again or something?”
    “Nope. He’s as paraplegic as they come.”
    “Welllllllll,” he drawls, “then I do want to know how that works.”
    “One,” I say, getting the giggles, “I don’t know yet. Two, we’re never discussing this again.”
    “Okay, okay.” He’s quiet for a moment. “Should I come home for Christmas?”
    “You can stay with me. You

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