Summer Wine: Taste of Seduction, Book 1

Free Summer Wine: Taste of Seduction, Book 1 by Jess Dee

Book: Summer Wine: Taste of Seduction, Book 1 by Jess Dee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jess Dee
from a jaw clenched so tight Lily had no idea how he managed to speak. “O-only one way I can think of to do that.”
    “I hoped you’d say that.” Blake nudged Angus’s jaw with his free hand, turning his head toward him. And when his mouth was close enough, he kissed him. A long, hot, wet kiss that made Lily’s mouth water.
    When it ended long moments later, Blake grabbed two condoms from the bedside table, gave one to Angus and tore the second open and handed it to Lily.
    “Put it on me, babe.”
    She scrambled to her knees, held his cock in one hand and rolled on the condom with the other.
    His hands were on her breasts, rolling her nipples between his fingers. “Tell me you’re ready, Lil. Tell me your pussy’s as wet and hot as it was in reception, ’cause fuck, I need to be inside you. Need it real bad.”
    “My puss…” Lily had to clear her throat to speak. “My pussy has been ready for this for six years, Blake.”
    “Thank fucking Christ.” He pushed her shoulders, and she landed on her back, her knees still bent. She scrambled to free her feet, and then Blake was kneeling between her thighs, lining his cock up with her pussy, leaning in to kiss her. As their lips met, he thrust, and just like that, her dream of the last six years became a reality.
    Blake was inside her. Her friend, her fantasy, the man she loved was inside her. Buried all the way to his balls in her body.
    “Oh, Jesus.” Blake panted. “Christ and fuck. Lil—”
    “D-don’t move.” Lily panted right back. “Not an inch. Not even a millimeter.” Too much. Sensory overload. She’d come. If he so much as twitched inside her, she’d lose it.
    And she wasn’t losing anything. Not until Angus did as he’d suggested—and fucked them both. However the heck he meant to do that.
    Blake chuckled. “Sensitive, babe?”
    She gasped. “Just don’t fucking move.”
    “Yeah,” Angus agreed. “Stay right where you are.” He knelt on the bed beside them, a tube of lube in one hand, the other out of Lily’s sight. “How ya doing, Duchess?”
    “D-doing good.” Holy cow, his eyes were black as night and filled with delicious intent. “Would…do better with one of your…kisses.”
    “I got one of those right here.” He closed the distance between his mouth and hers, kissing her soundly.
    Mmmm. Blake’s cock in her pussy, Angus’s tongue in her mouth.
    Life was good. Real goo—
    “Oh God!” She squealed into Angus’s mouth as Blake shifted inside her.
    Angus simply laughed and carried right on kissing her.
    Blake moaned and shifted again.
    She pinched him. God, he had to stop.
    “C-can’t help it, babe,” he gasped. “Gotta move.”
    She pinched him again, hard, as he jerked inside her.
    “Ow…ah… ah .” His cry of pain turned to one of ecstasy, and this time Blake didn’t hold back. He slid out of her pussy and thrust back in.
    It was Angus who broke the kiss with a triumphant laugh.
    “Blake,” Lily moaned. “God, I’m too close.” Fighting back her descending orgasm was both heaven and hell. She wasn’t at all sure she could do it. She squeezed her pussy muscles as much as she could, stilling Blake’s movements.
    “Jesus, Lil. Have to move. Have to. Got my dick in your pussy and a finger in my ass and I can’t keep still.”
    Lily froze. “Y-you do?”
    “He does.” This came from Angus. “But not for very much longer.” He kissed her soundly one last time as Blake thrust slowly inside her and Lily thought about her unfinished canvas at home and the lecture she had to prepare for Monday morning and how she needed more black and fuchsia paint—anything to take her mind of the sweet thrill of being fucked by Blake and kissed by Angus.
    And then Angus pulled away and Blake growled.
    Angus tossed a leg over Blake’s hips, straddling them both from behind Blake.
    “You ready for this, Blake? Ready for me? ’Cause, fuck…” Angus squeezed his eyes shut. “I need you to be.”
    Blake bucked

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