Racing for Freedom

Free Racing for Freedom by Bec Botefuhr

Book: Racing for Freedom by Bec Botefuhr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bec Botefuhr
Tags: Romance
    “How can I help you ma’am?”
    “I have been waiting for ten minutes.”
    “I’m so sorry, we’re short staffed today.”
    “An efficient business would have back up.”
    “The backup is sick,” I say, smiling.
    Stupid old hag.
    “Well, I’m disgusted with the service, I’ll be going somewhere else.”
    “I’m so sorry you feel that way, let me give you a free coffee before you leave. It’s the least I could do for being so slow.”
    Her eyes widen and she stares at me, analyzing my expression to see if I’m serious or not. I smile sweetly and she finally cracks one back.
    “That’s very kind of you, perhaps I will scan the menu.”
    “Then let me take you to a seat and get you started.”
    I look back at the kitchen and Lyle is shaking his head and grinning at me. Yeah, that’s how it’s done! I finish up my shift and the lady leaves, extremely pleased. See, a little kindness and admitting one is wrong, goes a long way. I say goodbye to Lyle and take my keys, before leaving for the afternoon. Slade and I have another race this afternoon, so I have to go home quickly, before it starts.
    When I get in, Slade is in the bedroom and I can hear Kandee giggling. Seriously, does the girl know how to do anything else but giggle like a little girl? I thought I told Slade she wasn’t allowed over again, it’s nice to know he listens so well. I walk into my room and slip into the shower, at least I have hot water. When I get out, I realize my racing clothes are on the lounge ready to be folded. Great. I peer out the bedroom door and I can still hear Kandee giggling.
    I rush out and dig through the clothes on the couch, tossing Slade’s jocks aside. I find my shirt and spin around, only to slam into a hard chest. I gasp and leap back, and my towel drops off me as my arms fly out to steady myself. Colour fills my cheeks as I realize the position I’m in. I’m half on the couch, supporting myself so I don’t fall, butt naked and Slade is staring down at me.
    His eyes grow lusty as he slowly, yes, very slowly, takes me in. When he meets my eyes again, I’m scrambling to gather up my towel. Jesus, I can’t believe that just happened. Slade grins and reaches out to offer me his hand, but I slap it away. He opens his mouth to speak but I put my hand up quickly, oh no, we are not going to go over this one.
    “Don’t you dare speak.”
    He smirks and shakes his head, putting his hands up. He opens his mouth again but I cut him off with an, “ah ah!”
    His laugh fills my ears and I can’t help but smile. He leans down and takes his own racing shirt, then he gives me a grin so wide, it has me flushing again.
    “Nice ass, Dashy,” he says, and then rushes off down the hall.
    “Thanks,” I call out after him, and then add, “Oh and Slade? That girl better not be here for long!”
    “Aye aye boss!”

Chapter Eighteen
    “Dash, you need to be on your game today.” John says, as I slide into my car later that afternoon.
    “I know John, I won’t stuff up again.”
    “No, you won’t.”
    I glare at him and he puts his hands up. “Don’t glare at me, I’m your manager and I’m doing the best I can to help you out.”
    I sigh and force a smile. “I know John, thank you.”
    “Ok, so remember to go easy on those corners. Stop worrying about beating Slade, instead, worry about getting a good time. It’s the time that counts because you need it to get into the state championships, and if you get a good score in that, you go to the top.”
    I swallow and nod, staring out the front of my car. I can do this. John closes my door and I roar the engine to life in preparation for the warm up laps. When the lights flicker, I begin taking my car around the track in the normal warm up process. Slade’s car is in front of me, and he’s following his usual warm up routine too. I turn my eyes back to the track and focus on my race and my race alone.
    When we’ve warmed the tires, I line up in my

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