The Stolen Valkyrie: Broken Bonds (Part One) (Fantasy Erotic Romance Novelette)

Free The Stolen Valkyrie: Broken Bonds (Part One) (Fantasy Erotic Romance Novelette) by Ana Meadows

Book: The Stolen Valkyrie: Broken Bonds (Part One) (Fantasy Erotic Romance Novelette) by Ana Meadows Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ana Meadows
legs and begged, “I plead of ye, Chief, let us go to Kelci.”
    Asta darted toward the entrance of the cave. Two warriors appeared, blocking her exit. Thorlak picked Tani up and motioned for the warriors to bring Asta to him.
    “Do not harm her.”
    She twisted in their grasp, kicking and screaming, “My Master will reward my return. Let us leave. We have been harmed enough.”
    They dumped her at Thorlak’s feet. He reached down and grabbed Asta’s hair, “Woman, ask me now why ye cannot walk. Your feet are like your mouth—always moving.”
    She spit at him. He grinned and spat in her face in response. Watching her cringe, he thrust his face in hers, “That will not be our only exchange. At the night’s feast, ye will give of yourself in every way to me.”
    Pulling her face to his naked member, he smeared the spit from her face onto his cock and promised, “Ye test patience well. I will have ye lavish me and teach the women to attend to all my men. After tonight, ye will be the Mistress of my shaft! ”
    He pushed her face away, rolling his shoulders and dropping the fur. Slapping his chest, he boldly declared, “I waste no more words on ye. We act now. Tie them up.”
    The warriors pulled them to the wall, snapping heavy shackles on their wrists and ankles while Thorlak watched. When he was satisfied they were secured, he turned and pulled a long tunic off a stack of furs.
    Asta gaped at the mark of the phoenix spread across his back, “Ahhhhh! Gods and Goddesses be with us!”
    Thorlak turned and shouted, “Gag them!”
    Before the warriors could, Asta screamed at him, “Who are ye? Why do ye bear a false Jihn mark?”
    Thorlak ignored her and left the cave. Asta tried to bite the warrior who gagged her. Tani’s squeals joined her Mistress’. The gag muffled their noises but not their fight. Left hanging on the wall, both of the clanswomen tried to free themselves until exhaustion overcame them.
    Ana Meadows
    The sequel to this story is available now!
    The Stolen Valkyrie: Fated Mates (Part Two)
    Refusing to take her assigned duty as Thorlak's personal slave quietly, Asta proves a tough nut for her fearsome chieftain master to crack. As the rival clan's celebrations begin, however, Asta finds herself unable to resist her strong, silent captor any longer, and comes to realize that he may not be the barbaric, loathsome man he's been made out to be; where do Asta's true loyalties lie? And what will happen when her clan mounts an effort to rescue her?

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