Headphone Actor

Free Headphone Actor by JIN

Book: Headphone Actor by JIN Read Free Book Online
Authors: JIN
light clothes.
    The moment we sat down, Haruka cried out, “I can’t wait anymore!” and started to take the food out of the bag with an extremely happy face.
    It would seem that the food he’d shown me earlier had only been a part of it; one after another, he spread out about five to six serving’s worth of food onto the table.
    “F-four-dimensional bag ….?”
    With so much food that it seemed impossible that it had all fit in one bag, Haruka decided to start eating from an okonomiyaki after a moment of indecision.
    I was also pretty hungry, and so I picked up a sauce yakisoba and pulled it towards me.
    “Alright then, time to e— …. Wait, I haven’t paid, right? How much was this?”
    I felt bad about being treated, so I pulled my wallet out of my skirt pocket.
    “Ah, it’s fine, really. Actually, Sensei told me, “Eat whatever you like with this,” and gave me some money this morning. About 10,000 yen. So it’s fine!”
    “10,000 yen!? That much!? Haah~ …. That teacher, even though he was so selfish when it came to the budget for the booth, he can actually be pretty generous!”
    “Ah, while he was making the game, he told me he went to pachinko for a change of pace, and ended up winning a lot. He even ordered sushi take-out for dinner that day.”
    The moment I heard that, my slightly increased rating of Tateyama-sensei fell back down to the lowest of lows. And at the same time, I could only see the delicious food in front of me as by-products of gambling, and fell into a very depressed mood.
    “Hm? Aren’t you going to eat, Takane? If you won’t, then I’ll ….”
    “I-I am! Anyway, just how much are you gonna eat!? You’re definitely gonna get fat, y’know!?”
    When it came to the food stalls at the Culture Festival, it was a festival of high calorie food. Truthfully, I wanted to pig out on fried chicken, but no matter how much of a festival today was, tomorrow was just a normal day again.
    It was obvious that the calories I merrily ingested today would turn into suffering for my body tomorrow.
    As I was worrying about this, Haruka went through eating a hot dog, crepe, pizza stick, French fries, and chocolate-covered banana at an amazing pace. The abnormal amount was one thing, but just watching him eat all of that at once gave me heartburn.
    “It’s so good, though. Ah, but no matter how much I eat, I never get fat, anyway~ I don’t bring much for lunch to school, but I always eat about this much at home.”
    As I listened to this, I compared the amount that Haruka was eating to his body type and felt incredibly annoyed.
    If I overate even just a little bit, my body weight would undergo a serious change; it wasn’t fair.
    “Ahh~ …. I wish I could just have a body that never gets hungry and doesn’t need to eat …. And also, a body that doesn’t need to sleep, either.”
    “Eh~ But that’d be boring. After all, I love eating and sleeping.”
    Haruka said this as he happily took the wrapping off of a hamburger.
    “…. You sure live a happy life.”
    “Hm? Did you say something?”
    As he asked this with ketchup on his cheek, somehow, I found it hard to hate him. Even so, I prayed silently that he would complain about gaining around ten kilograms tomorrow.
    1:30 PM.
    As planned, we had resumed business for our target shooting booth, but completely unlike the morning, there was no one coming by at all.
    “That’s weird. It wasn’t like this at all this morning. Could it be that there’s a bad rumor going around ….?”
    I stuck my head outside the door and checked up and down the hallway. Haruka was standing in front of the classroom and waiting for customers as usual, but in the first place, there didn’t seem to be many people in the hall at all.
    Just when I was starting to feel anxious,

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