Dragon Song

Free Dragon Song by Jordyn Tracey

Book: Dragon Song by Jordyn Tracey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordyn Tracey
for him any more than it was for Stone, but if he was to learn Stone’s movements, he couldn’t drive what he wanted while watching him.
    He’d let the fool he’d hired to watch Stone go for the night and flown into town himself. He wanted to get a look at this woman to see if she was anything better than all the other whores Stone had taken to bed. Noah had especially not wanted another fuck up after his man had given him some bogus story that Stone was meeting this woman for a date when he wasn’t. This night was the first they’d gotten together. Never before had the cliché ‘if you want something done right, do it yourself’ been more true.
    Noah was shocked to find the woman was black. Not that he hadn’t sampled one or two in his time. He had, but he’d thought his uppity cousin was above that. Noah didn’t make it a habit of documenting Stone’s sexual exploits. He was too busy for that BS.
    However, if he could find Stone’s weakness, emotional rather than physical, then he could exploit it and get Stone’s blood. Nothing brought a man down faster than a woman. Noah chuckled while holding binoculars up to his eyes. On the third floor, through a window, he caught sight of Stone and the woman. Their silhouettes merged and then separated as she led Stone deeper into the apartment where Noah couldn’t see them.
    “Whore,” he muttered. “But go ahead, cousin, fall under her spell, and then I will have you. The dragon might be near indestructible in a physical sense, but I know how to destroy you. You will give me your blood, and maybe when it’s all over, I will let you watch me have her too.”
    * * * *
    Tielle could not believe she was letting this happen, that she was going to have sex with a man she hadn’t dated for a while first. Although she’d been turned on by a man many times over—and it didn’t take much—she’d never felt like a man was put on this earth to pleasure her. Okay, now she was the one sounding arrogant.
    Still, just looking at Stone, the way he moved, the timbre of his voice, seeing the lust in his eyes, set her on fire. He knew what he did to her, knew how he brought her body to life. She’d had men who were skilled at love-making. She’d taught others how to please a woman until they were skilled. But Stone went beyond all that.
    He crossed the room to where she stood near the wall and lifted a hand to stroke her cheek. Tielle melted. She closed her eyes and then forced them open so she could enjoy staring at him. His movements, his intensity, made her feel…desperate.
    “Tell me what you’re thinking,” he demanded.
    She hesitated. He had no right to ask, and she was under no obligation to answer. “I’m thinking how much I want…”
    Her eyelids fluttered closed again. She let him part her lips and push his thumb into her mouth. She sucked lightly, tantalizing the tip with her tongue. Stone groaned low in his throat.
    “Tell me,” he said again.
    She pulled back from his thumb and let it rest on her lips while she spoke. “I’m thinking how much I want you, how I’m getting off on the fact that you didn’t let me say no to this. You’ve been ordering me around, and I kind of like it.” She glared at him. “Don’t get the wrong idea about me.”
    He chuckled. “Oh trust me, beautiful. I won’t.” Examining her in his unhurried way she was beginning to recognize, he paused at her hips. Her dress was half up her thighs, giving just a peek of her pink panties, from his raising it earlier. “I want to see those panties again. Better yet, I want to see what’s beneath them. Take off your dress.”
    He pulled his hand away from her mouth to cross his arms over his chest. The expression in his eyes was expectant that she wouldn’t disobey. Tielle had no problem doing what he wanted. The more dominant he was, the hotter she got. She couldn’t believe this kind of play had been available to her, and she never knew it. What kind of

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