The Blessed Blend

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Book: The Blessed Blend by Allison Shaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allison Shaw
coughing violently. Darlene pounded her back and told her to drink some tea. Callie shot Euan a malevolent glare.
    Euan looked at Callie, his eyes full of concern, before answering Jim. “I appreciate tha’, sir,” he said. “Will John be welcomed as well? He’s fit braw tae do joost aboot anythin’.”
    “I think we can arrange something,” Darlene said. “When hunting season ends we won’t get too many guests until spring rolls around, so winter’s when we do most of our repairs and renovations. I’m not sure we can offer y’all much of a wage but I can guarantee room and board.”
    John spoke up. “I’m only here for the three weeks. I hae tae return tae m’ job, Euan. Anyhoo,” he said, looking intently at his friend, “ye’re guine tae need a bit o’ privacy an’ I’d just be in the way.”
    “Are ye sure?” Euan asked. “Ye ken I’d appreciate yer support?”
    “Certain for aye,” John replied. “Besides, ye need a pair o’ eyes back home tae watch o’er yer business and keep track o’ yer parents. God knows ye doona want them muckin’ this up for ye.”
    Jim nodded. “That makes sense, Euan,” he said. “You need to concentrate on the reason you came here.”
    Callie stood up to leave the table, swayed, and fainted. Mountain Rose screamed, “Mama!” and began to cry.
    Euan’s arm shot out to catch Callie before she hit the floor and he held her while Darlene examined her. “Will she be alright?” he asked.  
    Darlene felt of her forehead and the nape of her neck. “I think today has been too much of a shock for her,” she said. “Let’s get her up to one of the guest rooms. A good night’s sleep should make her feel better.”
    Darlene led the way as Euan carried Callie. Jim soothed his grandchildren’s fears by explaining that their mother wasn’t feeling very well and needed some rest.   Caleb came in the back door and asked if he’d missed anything. Jim brought him up to date as he, Eli, and Caleb checked on the stock, making sure that the hen house was closed up as well. Darlene settled John and Euan in a couple of rooms, Jim locked up, and everyone turned in for the night.
    It had been one hell of a long day.    

Chapter 5:

A Nap In A Pig Sty
    Papa Robertson walked through the doorway of the lodge at seven the next morning with Jolena at his side. Darlene was washing the breakfast dishes as Red Wolf and Mountain Rose were finishing their juice so they could go help their grandfather with the livestock. The kitchen was warm and full of the aromas of coffee and country ham.
    Eli and Layla had just left for school, arguing over whose turn it was to drive the jeep that day. The matter was put to rest with a coin toss and the assurance that they would switch over the next day. Both of them had been warned not to give out any information about the previous day’s events.
    Jim and Caleb were feeding the stock with Euan and John assisting them. Caleb swore at Callie’s mare when she kicked at one of the other horses. “That horse was the sweetest thing when she was a foal,” he explained to John. “Then she grew up and turned into a bitch.”
    John shrugged and cracked a broad grin. “Well, it seems tae be a female thing, ye ken?” he remarked. “I nae ken, but some say for aye it’s their hormones tha’ makes ‘em sa pernickitie .”
    Caleb looked confused. “I didn’t understand a thing you just said,” he said.
    “He said it’s their hormones tha’ makes ‘em sae….” Euan paused as he thought of how to translate from Broad Scots. “Contrary. Difficult.”
    Jim offered his own opinion as he handed out the milking pails. “God made women the way they are so us menfolks would have more than just sports and the weather to talk about.”
    John laughed. “Och an’ tha’s for

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