XXX - 136 Office Slave

Free XXX - 136 Office Slave by J. W. McKenna

Book: XXX - 136 Office Slave by J. W. McKenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. W. McKenna
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apartment, I've decided to move you into my house—temporarily. I have plenty of room. That way, you won't have to pay rent and all the money you earn can go right into paying me back. We can sell your furniture or put it into storage."
    El mulled that over for a minute. She visualized herself, waking up on clean sheets, next to Jack, having him roll over and fuck her hard before she got up. She liked that idea. “Yes, sir."
    El waited for Jack to start the car. Then he said: “So Bill's gone? The house is empty?"
    She looked at him. Did he want to fuck her here? “Yeah, it's empty."
    "Good. I need to find you another outfit."
    "You don't like this?"
    "No, it's fine. I want you to wear that. But we have a client meeting this afternoon and I want you to have something more conservative to change into."
    That told El that this client may not be interested in a sex slave.
    They got out. El had to adjust her skirt. Her pussy tingled. She led Jack up the stairs, wondering what her neighbors must think. First they see her husband leave, now a stranger goes inside with her.
    Jack picked out a nice business dress—if you were Ally McBeal. The skirt was too short, but not obscenely so. Not like the one she had on. The top consisted of a light blue rayon blouse and a suit jacket that matched the skirt. No underwear, however. He didn't let her wear the outfit, he just brought it along on a hanger.
    Back in the car, Jack's fingers went back to work. They rode in silence for a bit. El's pussy was beginning to grow wet and she could hear the occasional squishy sound as Jack's probed her. Surprisingly, she wasn't too sore this morning. His ministrations were beginning to turn her on again. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the car seat.
    "I feel some stubble here,” Jack's voice interrupted her daydream.
    "Oh! I'm sorry, sir. I spent a lot of time on it. That's why I was almost late."
    "Well, we can fix that."
    She wanted to ask what he meant and she visualized him shaving her on his desktop every day. The thought excited her. But before she could speak, they bumped over the entrance leading to the plant. El sat up and automatically started to adjust her skirt before realizing that was the actions of the Old Ellen, not the new, slutty El. Jack parked, but before he got out, he raised his fingers to her mouth. Without thinking about it, El licked her own juices off them. Jack got out, again without a word. She got out, then tugged her skirt down over her ass cheeks. She reached into the back seat and retrieved the outfit.
    She heard a wolf whistle and turned to see Tom, the night foreman, just getting off work. He leered at her and winked. She briefly smiled back, remembering Tom's visit yesterday afternoon. He'd come swaggering in, his big stomach leading the way. He had to be fifty. Like Scotty, he was divorced and had let himself go. From what she'd heard, Tom liked to say he had two hobbies: drinking beer and eating.
    Fortunately for her, Tom didn't want to fuck her. He only wanted a blow job. Because Jack was busy in his office, she had to blow him while he sat in her chair, just like she'd done for the delivery boy. Only this time, she wasn't wearing her skirt. Tom stared at her pussy for a long time before he let her get started. Once her mouth was on him, he'd come in just a few minutes—apparently, it had been a long time since he'd gotten laid.
    "Thanks, slut,” he'd told her and she almost got angry. It was as if only Jack could call her a slut. The ludicrousness of her situation had stopped her, however. After all, she was a slut. It might as well be on her job description.
    She tried to push the image of fat Tom out of her mind. As she went down the corridor to her office carrying the dress, she passed a couple of factory workers on the way. When one of them, a big black man she knew as Jim, slapped her on the ass, she turned and glared at him, then stalked off. In her office, she hung up the suit and had barely

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