Blood of the Innocents

Free Blood of the Innocents by Chris Collett

Book: Blood of the Innocents by Chris Collett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Collett
Tags: UK
desk behind Mariner and Millie as they watched a train draw into the station. A number of people alighted while a couple further down the platform climbed on. Then, at the last minute, to the bottom right-hand corner of the screen a figure could be seen running for and jumping on the train. A split second before the doors closed on her she turned and gave them a full facial shot. No question it was Yasmin.
    Knox snapped off the film. ‘The footage from the university station isn’t quite so helpful.’ This was the station at which Yasmin would have alighted. ‘It’s harder to see Yasmin: there’s a lot of movement.’ It was the understatement of the year. The platform was crowded and although several people left the train, they had to strain their eyes to pick Yasmin out as any of them.
    ‘There,’ said Millie, eventually. Reaching out, she pointed to a figure moving across the bottom of the screen.
    ‘Right height and build,’ Knox agreed. ‘Same colour clothing from what you can see, and a bag over her shoulder.’
    ‘Like just about everyone else,’ said Mariner.
    ‘She’s walking pretty casually, too. In no particular hurry.’
    ‘That’s Yasmin Akram?’ They all turned. They hadn’t heard Fiske come into the room.
    ‘We think it might be.’ Mariner remained cautious.
    ‘Good, so we know that she followed her normal route.’
    ‘We’re not—’
    But Fiske didn’t want uncertainty. ‘Which means that she must have disappeared somewhere between the station and her house,’ he cut in. ‘I understand that from there she walks through part of the university campus to get home?’
    ‘Yes, sir.’
    ‘In that case let’s do a search of the area between the station and her home. If that turns up nothing we’ll do the railway track.’
    ‘You’ll need to talk to the university security, too. Are we absolutely certain there’s no one she could be staying with?’
    ‘Her parents have spoken to anyone they can think of. Robbie Thorne is double-checking that. And we’ll do the usual phone round of hospital emergency departments. I think we should—’
    ‘So let’s just get on with it, shall we? Organise the search for first thing in the morning. I’ll make sure that there are uniformed officers at your disposal and we can bring in an additional search team if necessary.’ He was halfway out of the door before he turned and added, ‘That’s good work all of you. Well done.’
    ‘He’s easily impressed,’ remarked Millie when Fiske had gone.
    ‘He’s just hoping that he might be able to stop shitting himself sometime soon,’ said Knox.
    ‘That’s what I’m afraid of,’ said Mariner, getting up from his seat. He caught up with Fiske just outside the DCI’s office. ‘Arranging a search at this stage is a bit premature, sir,’ he said.
    ‘Nonsense,’ said Fiske. ‘We’ve got the CCTV footage. What more do you need?’
    ‘It’s not entirely clear. I’d like to get it enhanced to be sure.’
    ‘But I saw it with my own eyes and your colleagues seemed pretty certain. What reason is there to delay? Superintendent Bourne is due to meet with community leaders later this afternoon and it would be beneficial to have something substantial to give them. Get it done, Mariner, first thing tomorrow.’
    ‘I’ll need to widen the investigation team,’ said Mariner. ‘Millie and I can’t do this alone. And Charlie Glover’s in the same boat.’
    ‘Use whoever you need,’ said Fiske. ‘Charlie Glover’s on a different enquiry. For the moment our priority is to find Yasmin Akram. If Charlie Glover doesn’t like it he can come and talk to me.’
    And giving Mariner no further opportunity to argue, he turned and went into his office, resolutely closing the door.
    So that’s what the hurry was all about: Fiske’s desperation to impress Superintendent Bourne with the efficiency of his leadership. Mariner hoped that Yasmin Akram would turn up soon, alive and well. He

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